[important] watch the Congress

Day 1,023, 09:53 Published in France Hungary by Peeteee


First i want to say thank you, how you accept my citizenship request.
Second i want to write here a little story, which you have to watch. So, i will tell you a little story.

In RL and erep i very like France. It's good place with amazing atmosphare [RL i was in Paris and Marseille(to Marseille i travelled with TGV🙂]. i only lived in Hungary but i needed to change. So i moved to France and work, train bla-bla here. Later, i thought i would like French citizenship. That's why i handed a citizenship request and sent PM some Congress member.

That was the PM.

2hours later, i got a PM from Saberan.

i think the picture tell everything. So if i spanish (or other enemy country) spy, i send him 10gold and i do everything. Maybe, run in Congress and if i win, i give other spanish people citizenship. That's the TO.
The Party's should choose who run in Congress.

Thanks for read this. Sorry for my bad english. I know, hard to believe, but it's not google translate🙂


Magyarul nem írom le mert egy 2 éves gyerek is jobban tud angolul, de azért összefoglalom azoknak akik nem értik a sok hiba miatt vagy mert nem tudnak angolul. Szóval francia lettem és rávilágítok egy-két dologra. VOTE -t viszont nyomhattok😃