[IMPORTANT] The Dublin Conference

Day 4,109, 23:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Comrade Xi Jinping

Day 4,110

On Sunday February 24th at 12:00 eRepublik time until Wednesday the 27th a national conference which we shall call The Dublin Conference will be held on the #National-Summit channel, located on the #eIreland channel, to discuss the liberation of eIreland, debating the future of eIreland, and attempt to work together to come up with a unified national plan.

This conference is open to all eIrish citizens. We implore everyone who considers themselves a proud eIrish citizen to join in on the discussions that will take place. This is a critical time in eIreland where we need to come together to decide our future. We will either rise to new heights or fall to occupation from foreign powers.

The conversation of this conference will center around these main talking points:

1)How To Free eIreland? How should we organize our diverse national military units into a cohesive, effective, and efficient national fighting force? What strategies should we pursue to achieve liberation?

2) How To Unify eIreland? How can we balance democracy with responsible administration and leadership? Is there a better way we can organize Congress to promote participation while reducing unnecessary messages spamming our inbox? How can we value the goals of all citizens whether they enjoy the military, political, economic, or social aspects of the game?

3) How Do We Make These Plans Concrete? Do we need a new national constitution? Do we establish new laws or protocols to legitimize democratic authority? Do we write up an official document?

Please join us on the server starting on Sunday. If we work together, respectfully discuss our ideas, and come up with a solid plan for liberation, cooperation, and unity we will surely bring eIreland several steps closer to freedom from foreign oppressors and national unification!

Thanks for reading!