[ILP] Running for PP!

Day 1,912, 09:40 Published in Ireland China by Cydp

My friends,

On Friday I will be running for Party President of the ILP.

What I hope to achieve:

If elected PP, I hope to bring more communication within the Party, which is something that I personally always felt was an issue in ILP. We need more communication between our leadership board, our Congressmen, and most importantly our loyal party members!

I also hope to get more young people involved in eIrish politics, to give them a chance like I had when I first joined the ILP.
We always encourage young, new members to run for congress and we always give at least one member a high position in our final congress list, giving them a high chance of being elected.

Finally I'd like to build our relations with other parties, especially 'Leftist' parties, like ourselves! I would also like to try and reach out to Leftist parties in our allied countries to build a strong Leftist community in the game.


Most of my political experiences in the game have come from my activity within the ILP. I have been a member of the ILP leadership board for the past few months now. I am also a member of the CP Committee, as well as the newly re-established Immigration Committee.

Please vote for me tomorrow!