==IFU & Forums==

Day 355, 14:02 Published in USA USA by kronas

Hello my dear friends, I come before you today to invite you to join the International Freedom Union. The IFU, for short, is an organization set up to help freedom fighters around the world. The organization shall sell and/or give away free item(s) to freedom fighters that volunteer as part of the Union. Discounted moving tickets, weapons, food, and wellness packages are the main focus of the union. These item(s) would be sold/distributed to all that follow the Union's laws. By no means does joining the union mean that you must quit your own countries military or follow the Union into everyone of its wars on the side that we follow. The default side of any war would be the resistance fighters in a resistance war, or the defenders in a regular war. Only those Union volunteers fighting on the Union backed side may be awarded with the groups discounted/free item(s).
