[ICP] Party President Candidacy

Day 2,057, 19:29 Published in India USA by Octavius Dryst

Greetings fellow citizens,

I am writing today to make my intent to run for the presidency of the Indian Comrades Party known. I am sure there are those who would, and will, balk at the thought of myself getting engaged in eIndian politics. All I can say to these potential detractors is that if given the chance I will do well.

With that said I would like to get to the meet and potatoes of the issue, I am Irish, and I do love potatoes. Our party is in a bit of a sorry state, well shambles really. We effectively have no say in the governance of our nation. This can only change if we as a party are relevant to the country, and to the players of this game. Our former dispatch program was fantastic, and we let it fall to nothing. We must hold ourselves accountable and try to make an active and vibrant party again.

I propose that we rebuild the party from the ground up. Create a forum, if people will use it (they probably wont), have an irc room, message members and non affiliated citizens during election times, have a group discussion to figure out what it is WE want. These are basic steps in the political process and we have been neglecting them. Please, join with me in rectifying this issue. Together we can rise to the top again and have a legitimate say in how OUR country is run.

Thank you much for reading,
Octavius Dryst