[IA] Imperial Atlas Established

Day 1,772, 12:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ApronChef

The Military Unit [MU] Imperial Atlas was established on day 1771.

The meaning of the name:

Imperial: Relates to an Emperor or leader of that quality, or a family.

Atlas: A Titan condemned by Zeus to support the heavens upon his shoulders.

Imperial Atlas: A condemned imperial family with the burden of supporting the heavens upon their shoulders.

The Slogan of Imperial Atlas:

'We carry the burden together, equally.'

The structure of Imperial Atlas:

-Emperor: ApronChef [Commander]
-Imperial Guards: [Second in command]
-Imperial Relatives: Kamikaze Kelvin, D I W, Madacaion. [Distributors and Advisor's]
-Imperialist Supports: [All members are called this, even the Commander, it means we are supports of the globe we carry upon our shoulders]

Song of Imperial Atlas:

We carry the burden together, equally,
and we shall reduce the weight we willing carry.
Condemned we were,
But strong we have become,
For we are Imperial,
For we are Atlas.

If one shall abandon us,
They shall force us to carry the weight he shared,
They will carry the shame,
While we carry dignity.

What we offer:

-We offer 8 Q7 a day + a bit of food.
-A strike every 2 weeks without fail. [Special strikes can happen]

What we require of members:
[Being a member is subject to approval, a form will be provided soon to allow entry, exceptions apply]

-At least 30-40 kills a day. [Exceptions apply]
-Attend at least 1 strike every month.
-Work in a commune.
-Carry equal weight, the same as all others in the unit.

"Atlas was permitted the opinion that he was at liberty, if he wished, to drop the Earth and creep away; but this opinion was all that he was permitted." ~Unknown

We still carry it upon our shoulders, for we shall never submit to a cowards retreat.

Information about strikes:

Strikes will be bi-weekly, and will be available for all members to claim supplies.
It may be possible in the future to have other MUs or non-MU players to participate alongside us.

Closing statement:

Imperial Atlas will proceed with all its plans, both short term and long term. We shall succeed.

Lots of Love;