[I&W] I&W – The recipe for success!

Day 1,473, 00:25 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Auggustus


As we all know congress elections are around the corner and its been a busy month for I&W. Last elections we achieved a monumental score of getting 7 of the 20 congress seats. Also together with a strategic coalition with the CLN we elected Luuklag as our Country President. All in all great accomplishments!

One of our many satisfied members 😉

During the last month we have set forth a program aimed at increasing the efficiency of our government.

The first thing that we have focused on is the eNetherlands to join the military alliance with Eden. A year ago our country could have never imagined our country joining this alliance, but of course the world has changed! We look forward to hearing from Eden high command soon, and a number of influential people there have assured us that our joining will be very welcome!
The second part that has been focused on is the installment of a new Military structure for our country. Contrary to other parties, Iron & Wine does not have our own Military unit (MU). This is because we believe that there should be a central military structure where people can join despite political affiliations. Parties such as DemNL and CLN have started their own MUs as primary tools for recruitment. While this is not a problem, we as I&W believe that these MUs should not receive government funding as this would mean that the government is sponsoring the recruitment of members for these parties. We do believe that these MUs should receive funding ONLY when there is a national effort to defend or liberate our regions.
As you can see Iron & Wine makes efforts to help develop our community. That is why during the next month we will help promote programs that are not in the public eye such as the Land Subsidy Act. We believe that players should get any advantage to help them succeed and become stronger players.

Also our focus will also become more focus in ensuring that new players join the national army so that they are not short changed by parties who’s only goal is to inflate their party numbers. We wish to ensure that our country gains quality and quantity so the the eNL can stand stronger and be better prepared for the dream that is the D-Day from ePolish oppression.

If you are not a member of a political party and wish to learn from an active and experienced party, become a member of an active political party, then join and vote for Iron & Wine!

Be sure to join us on IRC as well! #I&W


Party President Iron & Wine