[I&W] Program

Day 1,007, 03:12 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Kixtart

This is the program of I&W for the congress elections in august. We hope that together with other parties we can work on making these things happen.

Name change:
We as a party have no preference for either of the names, and will let our members decide for themselves. We do believe that the people should have their say in a referendum with a mention that when this has happens no changes are possible for the next months afterwards.

Finances / State Companies:
With the new economy in V2, we believe that the devalution of our currency was and is needed to keep our companies competitive with other countries. With the changes the admins are still making to V2, we should keep a close eye on this to get our NLG to stabilize at a good rate. Another thing where we should keep our eye on are the state companies. It is good that the prices for raws have gone down without the help of the government. However, the salaries in eUNL will still need time to stabilize so for our state companies we need to watch carefully not to be competitive versus private sector.

Foreign Affairs:
We believe that the current increase in activity from our ambassadors is good for our country, and we should keep on going with this to increase our status in the world. An important issue for our ambassadors should also be to promote our Q5 hospitals and defense systems to increase their sales.

Alot has changed in the war module with the implementation of V2, of which an important change was the adding of different military skills. To be able to be use these skills in a good way on the battlefield, we feel that we need to look at creating high quality companies for defense purposes.

Iron and Wine believes our country should go to an government formed by our CP. This way we can faster form a government and be more efficient with the time, since we dont need to go through coalition talks. This will make it easier to get the best people in the right spot. The parties will of course become less important, but we believe we can get a more stable government this way which means less political rumble.

Baby Boom:
We believe a baby boom should be on the top of the list of any new government. Since V2, small countries are having a hard time with the changes to the economy. The best way to counter this is to put as much energy as possible into gaining new citizens. As an alternative, we can examine a possible merger with the eUK

Greetings, Heikanu
Party President of I&W