[Hungary]Congratz eBelgium!

Day 809, 06:44 Published in Belgium Hungary by Hegemony
Dear citizens of Belgium,

First of all I have to congratulate you because you defended your country from EDEN yesterday! Not in the battlefields, but in the polling booths. The real Belgians elected a president, who really works for the rise of Belgium, instead of a candidate, which was supported by EDEN, and which would have destroyed your country, if he had been elected.

The other thing I have to tell you is that I'm Hungary's ambassador in Belgium from today🙂. Yesterday, lots of Hungarian with Belgian citizenship voted(e.g. me), and we helped you also at the congressional elections (I was giving away moving tickets then).

Yesterday we won a fight together against EDEN, and this is the time to make Belgium a politically and economically stable country. I was really happy when I noticed your Q5 hospital. This was the first step on your long journey.

I think that Belgium and PHOENIX have to work together. We must avoid the fate of France.

If you need any help feel free to ask me🙂


Hegemony(I’m not waiting for the comments from “real Belgians” from the American or the Croatian army \o/)

eBelgians, also read this and this from Manong Rizal!

btw, please add me as a frien😛)