[How-to] Monetary Market

Day 1,429, 13:25 Published in USA Poland by code0011

The Monetary Market (MM). The place that most people don't understand further than that Gold get's bought and sold there. It is actually an incredibly good way to make $$$$$$.

Person x has 10k USD. He sells it at a rate of 1 USD = 0.002 Gold.
He get's 20 Gold.
He sells 20 Gold for 19600 USD.

~~~~Easy Version~~~~
Sell $ for $1 = 0.002 Gold (it won't sell quickly)
Sell Gold for 1 G = $960
You now have $9600 more than when you started.

For When 1 gold is less than 1000 USD replace 0.002 gold with 0.001 gold.