[Hot Fever] Warming up

Day 1,563, 13:38 Published in Switzerland Germany by Hot Fever

Some according music

So guys, I like to run again, no, I like to become YOUR President. I have plans. I have visions. I have the balls to keep honor.

During the last months Swiss lost a much of honor, cause we saled our regions to enemy of our friends, always tried to liberate us, we're quite lonly. Germany refused MPP cause we're not trustable to them. We had said of our self, we were neutral, but look in the mirrow, are we neutral? We're more proone than neutral. Most the days we had to fight for One, well, we have 3 TEDEN MPPs, but except of Ireland noone of them had any fights. Most the day we had to fight for ONE, cause there were no other possibility. For TEDEN it looks like we've already sold our neutrality.
Now we have to become trustable again. We have to become the status of a neutral country back again and if you're trusting in me, I like to do.

Our state had an income of 120g, but how MG mad this? Not by supporting our economy, just by renting our regions and national orgs to foreigners. He hasn't imcreased stable income of the state!
I like to support the economy, to inform the people of the bot and increase our income as a state, for the best of the following term of the following presidents.

Our military is weak, we're a poor and small country, but we could be stronger. Current CP hasn't done anything for military, we're still a crowed of amred people.
I like to organise Militias, united hitting weekly. Of cause it should be for the good of the Militias to join those commen hits, so government will give money to militias for improve their power.

I've just summerized my plans, of cause these are not all, but most.
I'll explain those plans to you later, I just wanted to show, I have plans, I have visions, I'm your man.

Best regards