[Hot Fever] The plan <Attention: Cliffi inside>

Day 1,565, 14:25 Published in Switzerland Germany by Hot Fever

So, I've promised you to present them to you. Let the show begin.


To increase insome we need first to inform every Swiss of buybot and blackmarket. People should have a stable income, bot makes it possible. I like MoI to inform the people, as soon as the people knows how to use blackmarket and bot, it could be possible to raise VAT without negative sideeffects, cause people have the nessesary knowledge.
That's not all. State should give credits to people. With those credits people are able to build factories and so we could increase income to. Best would be supporting industries we could raise taxes, weapons for example, so we'll push the wellfare of the people, the income of state.
I hope you will understand what I'm meaning.

Unity, I'm planing weekly common hits. Militias can join, but they're not forced to. Government will give money to Militias after, to support their commitment in the chosen battle. The more damage the militia does, the more they'll get.
This common hits should train Swiss for the case of war. In war we need to hit side by side, as brothers in armes. I guess militias could need the money for improving their supply systems.
We have several militias in Switzerland, we need them to cooperate, yeah, sounds weird from me, I know, the interests of soliders are different. That makes it difficult, but not impossible.
Those common hits are for improving the feeling of unity, but also I like to organise a trainwar. This is for increasing our power, I guess we all could agree in fighting for Switzerland as long as we could fight for Switzerland we needn't to discuss about fighting for EDEN or for ONE, so the unity is guaranteed.

We have several interial problems, Foreign politic should save us from confrontations with other countrys. We need to solve our problems, that's the main point, education, stabilization and reorganszion, those are my aims for the March, I hope you'll support me.

Best Regards

Candidate for CP