학교 수행평가.... Homework ....

Day 1,274, 08:00 Published in South Korea South Korea by shin945

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Crisis management

There are two sides to a crisis, including practical steps to be taken and effective communication to the public in a way that demonstrates leadership. Japan’s nuclear disaster has illustrated how valuable timely and honest communication is. It is a lesson for Korea.

The Japanese were angry as Prime Minister Naoto Kan was initially in the dark about the explosion of the outer building housing nuclear reactors last week.

What the Tokyo government said turned out to be out of tune with the real development. Stoic Japanese became emotional and rushed to stockpile daily necessities and flee the area.

Tokyo officials may be at a loss as the uncontrollable event loomed. They might not have intentionally hid the fact. When contingencies turned from worse to beyond imagination, what was true one moment may turn out to be false later.

In a rare appearance Wednesday, Emperor Akihito implored emergency workers to do their best to get the precarious situation under control.

In a crisis, rumors are more deadly than the situation itself. Police and financial regulators are tracing spreaders of rumors in Korea. Authorities assume that rumormongers sought to benefit through abusing the crisis.

Seoul officials have provided timely, scientific and persuasive information to the people on Japan’s nuclear power plant development. It is not enough. They must make public step-by-step information on contingencies. Timely tips on both best and worst scenarios would allay the public anxiety. Radiation contamination is deadly and irrevocable.

On a scale of severity ranging from 1 to 7, the situation in Fukushima plants is reportedly 6, more serious than the meltdown in Three Mile Island in the United States in 1979 but less deadly than the Chernobyl explosion in 1986.

Korea paid a costly price for the dispute over mad cow disease three years ago. The ensuing national furor triggered a series of unnecessary candlelit protests that sapped national energy. The case illustrated how the government’s mishandling of a situation, led to an uncontrollable condition.

Another example is the Minerva case in 2009. An Internet commentator’s doomsday scenario jolted the currency and stock markets and shook the country.

Seoul officials said Korean reactors are safer than Japanese ones. The public wants more than these standard assurances. They want to know what steps the government is taking and what citizens should do in an emergency.

Traumatic events are sudden, dangerous and distressing. Physical and emotional risks and loss may occur. An individual sense of emotional control may be lacking. In such a dire situation, individuals lose faith that the world is fair.

The government must check the current manuals on emergency recovery programs on a central and local government level. Manuals alone are not enough. Thorough preparation for effective communication cannot be over-overemphasized.

이럴수가.. @.@... 언제 해석하냐.. 이거말고 하나 더 남았는데;;
Oh My God !!.. @.@ I have another one...

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