[HN] New Economic Module

Day 1,267, 16:00 Published in Philippines USA by Sir Hypnotoad
Puerto Princesa. Philippines:

As I am sure most people have heard by now, the Admins will be shortly unveiling another new economic module. Want the details? Anything I could do would be merely copy/pasting, so here, enjoy the copy/pasted link instead.

I'd also like to congratulate the Great Philippine Nation! If you look here, you'll see some new information regarding the status of our economy.

If you look closely, you'll see that our Daily Average Imports is 1.44 Gold, while our Daily Average Exports is 36.30 Gold.

I'm not sure how much you all pay attention to new economic ideas, but I am fairly familiar with a new one called Mercantilism. The key idea to Mercantilism is a favorable balance of trade-which we have! Exports are greater than imports, thus we are a great nation!

Enjoy some cherry pie

That is all.