[Hiyamoon] I need your votes!And to all newbies,how to vote in other region!

Day 825, 00:13 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Hiyamoon

Hello to all my friend and eMalaysian😁

Good Day!
Nice to meet you all! I am Hiyamoon,the deputy of Ministry of social affairs and education(MoSaE).
As we all know the congress election is just around the corner.All candidates,I,too,busy with the election stuff.Well,I am going to run for congress in Sabah.Hence,I need supporters to vote for me so that I can be qualified and be a congressman.

Apart from that,I wish Federal Unity Party can get the most seats in the congress election.I wish Federal Unity Party(FUP) members can vote for their own party candidates.However,I discover that many of the members,not only in FUP but also in other parties don't know how to vote in other region.This cause the PTOers got the chances to get more seats in other two region,Sarawak and Sabah!As the deputy of MoSaE,I have to responsible to the education of newbies.

First and foremost,you have to know how to move to other region.
Click your profile--->then you will see a bar show your location,citizenship and national rank.
To move to other region,you will need two tickets,go and back.
Choose change location,and select which region do you want to go.
Then choose the 'election icon' on the news or select vote in your party page,and vote for your favourite.
After voting,move back to Penisular Malaysia in the same way.

I wish I can be the congressman one day.Wish that somebody will fulfill my wish!Thanks!