[Hiya]Trick of using treasure map!

Day 899, 21:06 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Hiyamoon

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The trick of using treasure map

Few months ago the game had been updated and one of the new features was the treasure map.
Citizens will be able to get a treasure map once they win the medal,instead of the 5 gold for 1 medal.

There are 3 spots that can be selected in the treasure map,and all of us are standing a chance to win more than 5 gold.Of course,we may also get less than 5 gold with the treasure map.It is believed that there is no trick to obtain more gold with the treasure map as it seems that the gold given from any three spots will be in random way.

I myself won 2 treasure maps after the game mode was updated,and fortunately gained 5.61 gold and 5.92 gold.It was most likely depends on luck,but I strongly believe that there is a trick to gain more gold from treasure map.Perhaps the trick won't be able to be discovered easily,and there is no any concept that can be applied on it.

Lets take a look on the picture below

As we can see there are 3 spots on the treasure map which can be selected.Apparently,Admin has designed the treasure maps with 3 spots purposely, I have selected the spot which was located on the center of the map,and luckily won 5.92 gold with my first treasure map.With my second treasure map,I won 5.61 gold by choosing the right spot on the map.

Alas,many of them did not satisfy with the treasure map as they gained less than 5 gold from the spot on the map.Citizen should choose the same spot if they did not gain more than 5 gold as it has higher possibilities to win treasure of king when someone gained less than 5 gold frequently.
Hence,those who got less then 5 gold with the treasure map frequently shouldn't desperate as you may find the treasure of king in the near future.

Treasure King!

No luck!
