[HIYA] -----I will stay in FUP!Hail FUP-----^.^

Day 879, 21:27 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Hiyamoon

Achieve something is impossible!100% viewers voted!

Hello everyone

I have never been better as I am sure my final decision is going to a right direction.Have you read my last article which was published yesterday?The article was about the my decision,stay or leave FUP.As we all know the congress election is just around the corner and thus my decision is very important to myself.

After talking to my seniors and friends,I found that nothing is more important than 'priority'. Indeed, priority is the most important thing based on the current political situation as our country is slowly be taken over by the PTOers from Serbia."We live in our country,so we must have sense of belongings",CDV said.I realize that we as eMalaysian,what should first to be done is to fight against PTOers.

Every parties in eMalaysia should hands to hands and kick out those PTOers,even though they are handsome and pretty.So,my final decision is,stay in FUP!However,our party which is in dismal situation,should be rebuild and transformed.I am willing to help our current party president,Wan Muhammad Hasif,who is alone in the office.He needs help urgently and so,I am here to wish everyone in the party can contribute to the party,as well as to the society.

I have few words to Hasif.In order to rebuild the party and helps country to fight against PTOers, we need to do something prior to the congress election.We have to gain votes from our inactive members who doesn't care about politic and even lazy to vote.The effort can be started by a group which consist of 5-7 members.Those members will have to develop the project which is able to bring benefits to the members and society.Any volunteer from party is welcome.

Hopefully my party president can reply me as soon as possible as I need his comment urgently.
If FUP members,even the party president don't care about the politic and all party stuff,I will have nothing to say.I love my party,but if party doesn't love me,then I won't love my party anymore.Enough said.

As usual,vote and subscribe!

Best regards,