|Here We Go Again - A Presidential Platform|

Day 501, 19:49 Published in Thailand Thailand by Bl1ndn3ss

Tomorrow is election day and I am here, solely, to put to your viewing pleasure my platform for this next month.

This will consist a lot in a continuation of the work we've done so far.


The ground work is done. We have a stable economy with a reasonably valued currency and we see a good level of production. But now its time to take advantage of this stability.

Thats why I'm proposing a change in our tax policy.
I would like to see a stable value of 7% across the board in all the manufacturing products (Food, Gifts, Weapons and Moving Tickets).
This is not a big change, obviously, but it will provide an income source without straining our citizens and our companies.

This is a way to pay for our Wellness program and our military actions and, at the same time, preventing a flood of government currency into the monetary market. We will keep a stable currency in exchange for almost no effort.

This is a change that is obviously up for discussion and I will, as always, follow the will of the people.


I would like to see our numbers continuing to increase in this next month. I would like to set a very modest goal:

To reach 350 citizens.

For that I need all the help I can get. Every man, woman and child in eThailand can help.
We will most likely see some action in the MPPs department soon and the promise of some fight will surely make us much more attractive to foreign citizens.

Military/Foreign Relations

As I said we will start to see some MPPs in the near future and, hopefully, some military action for our troops.

Now that we are in PEACE CG we will continue to help our allies and keep a friendly relation with every nation that wishes it so.

I would like to see some form of inter-governmental talk about economic exchanges. But this is a plan for the long run. It will take a lot time and a lot of conversations to get it started. So, consider this more like a intention of mine instead of "sure thing".


I am very happy with the team I assembled and they proved to be so good at their jobs that I would like very much to keep the same people doing the same job.
I may add a few people, especially in the Recruitment Department but the people everyone got used to work with remain in the same place.

Just a few side notes:

I have to congratulate Alberth Neurath, Sparkster, Thingol and a few others (I cant name them all) for their wonderful job recruiting new citizens. Nouveauk for is continues good job has Director of our Wellness Program.
I want to thank Gentyle, Callagan and Jean Paul Sartre for the support they have shown me during this month.
I also want to thank Vincent Garibaldi for all his hard work with our military without him our military would be a complete disaster. (thanks gentyle)
And I want to thank everyone in eThailand that put their trust in me when they gave me the prestigious honor that is being their president and I hope that once again you will lay that trust in me.

President of eThailand