++ Harrison for President ++

Day 578, 14:48 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson
Americans! Today is a great day, to be sure. During the past few days, the USWP Executive Board has been working on a few things.. We've been working hard on Congressional Election Preparation, because that is and should be our first and foremost priority at this time. However, we've also been working on something else.. choosing the next nominee for President of the United States. America, I am proud to announce that on July 5th, I will be on the ballot, representing the United States Worker's Party, for President of the United States.

First, let me introduce my running mate. This is a person whom we all know, some adore, and some admire. I picked this person not for political affiliation nor in an attempt to win votes... I chose my soon-to-be right hand man because his skillset matches perfectly with mine. America, I announce to you the next Vice President of the United States, One Eye. One Eye has been a multi-term Senator and is running for re-election in the great state of Wyoming. He has been the Congressional Accountant, the person who does everything behind the scenes to control the Congressional Budget Office. Like myself, he is a proponent of free trade.. and that was key in determining him as my Vice President. I will readily admit weakness in the economic side of the game, which is why I chose a Vice President who clearly excels in that area. If elected, I will promptly delegate my economic agenda to One Eye, who will see to it that it gets accomplished.

As United States Secretary of State, I have an unparalleled look in to our new alliance structure. We've been invited to join alliances and we're working on creating one of our own, and I will keep up that work to ensure the safety and security of the United States is secure, if elected. I am also going to push for more emphasis on new player education.. because today's newbs are tomorrow's soldiers and ta😜aying citizens. I am going to continue to support the military, because as we've shown in Israel and Central Greece, the United States Military is a force to be reckoned with. I am going to increase oversight over the federal budget via the re-enactment of a Budget Coordinator role, where a person will audit various federal programs to ensure tax dollars are not being wasted. I am going to push for free trade, but I do realize that without the reciprocal support of our allies in such a venture, it would be a waste. Most importantly, I'm going to work for the American citizen. I advocate an Open Door policy, and I will respond to each and every PM I get while in office and the time leading up to it.

Today, we have an American Patriot picture:

America, I'm ready to be your next President.

Harrison Richardson