[hailey] My journey ends here!

Day 1,270, 11:20 Published in United Kingdom Iran by helia 14
My journey ends here, in my home, London! xD

Thanks Canada, USA, France, Pakistan, Iran, Venezuela, Greece, Bulgaria, Russia, Serbia, Croatia, Saudi Arabia, Romania, Turkey, Spain, Israel, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, China, Poland, India, and Ireland!

Few months ago I was one of richest, but I just knew few things in the world, fighting for UK over and over again. And I didn’t know most of you guys.

Now I am poor, but I feel like the richest person in the world, ‘cause I have great friends from all countries in the world! Thank you guys for everything, I’m grateful forever and ever!!

Kindest regards and best wishes,
