[Guerilla Union]Graduation of Cadet Class 2

Day 1,637, 11:14 Published in Germany Germany by KleinerTeufel

Dear Readers,

The Cadet Program was introduced on Day 1544 to support Red Army members in faster development. Today I proudly announce that Class 2 is graduating and with that the members deserve the Cadet Ribbon.

Red Army Cadet Ribbon for graduating Class 2

We started Class 2 on Day 1594, both Cadets fulfilled their missions and are active members of the community. They are: Keenerl and Sputnik27. They are not only members of the Cadet Program, but also work in the commune system.

Cadets lined up in the Graduation Ceremony

During the 45 days, thank to our supporters, I was able to issue a total of 22100 wellness, 208 q5 and 216 q6 tanks, which is thousands of free XP and tens of thousands of free damage done.

There is still a some stuff to be supplied for Cadets both food and weapons, so if you want to apply to the next class starting 16 May 2012, please send an in-game message to soma1976. The next class is planned to graduate on 30 June. If there are no applicants, the program will be temporarily suspended. Applicants should be active Red Army members.

You will get the supply for every day what you spend in the program, it is generally sent in every second day but that is not written in stone. I will monitor randomly the profile of cadets to see activity and improvement.

At the end, I would like to thank to all those who support the Cadet Program or the Red Army common hits with anything, let that support be weapons, food or money.

Wear the uniform, do your best, be proud to be a Red Army member!

Congratulations again to the graduates! Good luck guys!

I would like to say thank to KleinerTeufel for issueing this article. I have US citizenship, so I cannot spam the German media 🙂

Commander of Red Army