[GPN] Straatpup for CP

Day 1,649, 05:41 Published in Netherlands Brazil by straatpup

dear eDutch

I am planning to run for CP in the name of GPN
I have 2 main points in my CP-program.
these are Maslow's pyramid and eNL facebook

Maslow's pyramid

1. physological needs
physological needs are your basic needs.
in this game your bacic needs are food and weapons, so I believe every eNL citizen has the right to recieve food and weapons when needed.
thereby I think that we sould give daily supplies to every eNL citizen who asks for them.

2. safety needs
I don't want our country to be run over by everyone who wants to. So I think it is appropiate to put safety as a second priority.
this means that I am going to focus on diplomacy and putting some extra money in the MoD in case of emergency.
so I think you will agree if I say: get these ePolish out of our beautifull country

3. social needs
our social needs are our allies.
I believe that if we keep good allies and keep a good relationship with EDEN, that we get the respect and help we earn.

4. esteem needs
with esteem needs is meant rewards.
I think we can get the eNL more active if we organize a couple of more tournaments and recognize the people who help our country, even if it's just a little. Every active and/or helping citizen is a citizen to be proud of.

5. self-actualization
self-actualizatoin is enriching yourself without money as an end purpose.
I think we aren't at this phase yet sice we have enough work to do achieving and perfectionating the other phases.

eNL facebook

I believe we must promote our eCountry more since we do not have that many eCitizens.
therefore I believe that facebook is the perfect platform to promote our beautifull community.
I chose facebook due to the fact that most people have a facebook account and a facebook page is easy to maintain.
since I am not always online 😒hock: and I do not have that much experience with setting up a facebook page, I need a team to help me with this.

to summarize
all-time prio: have fun!!

*prio 1: daily supplies
*prio 2: safety
*prio 3: allies
*prio 4: rewards

set up facebook page for more eNL citizens

thank you for taking the time to read the whole article (or just the summary).

greetz, Straatpup (the big dogg)

and don't forget:
Vive les Geulx!