[Governor-MoF]eIndia First Report and Welcome to the Jungle

Day 3,029, 22:31 Published in India Norway by Eraclev
Greeting Prosperity to all People around the world.

This month i will work as Governor/MoF for eIndia, I will publish a report each week about our economics situation and transparancy so everyone will informed about our fund situations.

Because i dont have Governor or MoF banner so i will use CP banner


Our tax is low, thats why we will have only a little from income tax, in 7 days we get avarage dialy income about 140,74

This is the table of dialy income tax

For the incomes, we earned 140,74 INR from taxes avarage.

About my predictions, I think we'll earn, during this term, around 4500 CHF from taxes if nothing drastically change.

So to improve avarage dialy income i ask you to buy cheap Weapon Q7 from our market, Shone Bate selling cheap Weapon Q7 on eIndia market, it will increase the eIndia incomes by him exporting Q7 weapons to our country. Currently, daily incomes are around 140cc in average.
He believe we can increase it at last by 300%, around 500cc per day.


Like we talked before we will get income from renting our regions aproximattely we will get 155000 INR from Rent our regions. All our cc still on Pizzarayne hand but he will soon move it to our National Org.

This is table income from rentiong regions

This is persentage from 155000 INR that we get from Rent our regions

You can see all on this Gdoc : http://tinyurl.com/MoF-India1

Minister of Fund (Governor) of eIndia