~Government Update~

Day 166, 19:27 Published in Japan Pakistan by WaseemK

As we aproach the end of this war, its time for us as a country to focus on more current issues we face.
As the New Minister of Immigration
We need to expand our population. I recently created a program Japanese Expansion Program. (www.erepublik.com/profile-303092.html).
I will need a few citizens to assist me with these programs. And at the moment will be considering anyone. Pm me if your interested. I will lay out all the details there...

Next we need a program to guide these new citizens to their first job, and explain to them the world of eRepublik. Well I've done the Liberty of creating one for you as well. Japanese Unemployment Office (http://www.erepublik.com/profile-303152.html)
I will also consider any citizen who wants to assist me in this area. if your a business owner, and is looking for workers, Pm me or this account. And we will try to send you workers asap. Again PM if your interested. And I will explain everything there..

If you dont already know, when I came here I created a Poltical Party. (National Party of Japan). http://www.erepublik.com/party-1041.html )

As any Party President would want and should I always welcome new members with open arms, and fair oppurtunity. As one of my goals is to establish a standard for user activity. As a countries strength does not lie within its government but within its active citizens.

Last subject I want to mention is the victory of our war. And what this means is that we will inherit new Korean citizens. I am asking that all Japanese Citizens respect our new countrymen. And demand the same respect back.

Please Vote and Subsribe Thank You!

P.S Dont forget to PM me if your interested....