~Government Incentives~

Day 446, 17:10 Published in Austria Germany by Chicco

Dear fellow citizens,

First off, thank you for electing me President of Austria. I will work hard not to disappoint the confidence you have placed in me.

Although I already presented my team in an article leading up to the elections, here is the official version:

President — Chicco
Vice President — Erwin Kroener

Minister of Foreign Affairs — Erwin Kroener
Minister of Defense — Metallon
Minister of Economic Affairs — Torgo
Minister of Immigration — Kretschmar
Minister of Finance — Chicco
Press Secretary — Q J Lincoln
Special Counsel to the Cabinet — Hrvat

Do not hesitate to PM these individuals concerning issues that fall into their areas of responsibility!

The main subject of this article is what is arguably our most important goal: to fix our economy. On the business side this means:

- maximize Q level for raw materials (check productivity formula to understand why)
- modestly increase Q level of consumer products (except gifts, where upgrading doesn't pay)
- increase exports

And on the citizen's side it means:

- maximize house ownership
- maximize work presence

We will use the national treasury to encourage these developments. However, due to the bleak state of our finances, these efforts will have to be limited (which is why this article features a cent coin rather than a Euro coin!). Below is an outline of our new programs.


On the business side the Bank's focus is on upgrading our existing industries. We are already short on workers. Creating more and more companies is only going to exacerbate this. I know this sucks for citizens who want to become businessmen, but I would strongly discourage anyone from creating new companies at this time. Furthermore, housing companies are excluded from these incentives. This is because all workers skilled in construction are currently needed at SDI. (When the current defense project is finished we can think about supporting a housing company.)

Everyone else, please PM me to request loans for one of the following:

- Q upgrades
- export licenses


- Loans only available for Austria companies
- Raw materials (grain) companies to be given preference
- Austrian businesspeople to be given preference
- Interest rates and loan durations are negotiable


As promised the new Austrian government wants to dramatically improve house ownership in Austria. It is the most cost-effective means of maximizing the productivity of our small workforce. Here is a listing of the lowest house prices (in gold) in the eWorld.

Q1 -- 3.23 (Iran)
Q2 -- 7.25 (Brazil)
Q3 -- 11.60 (Brazil)
Q4 -- 18.81 (Sweden)
Q5 -- 30.00 (France)

It seems that Q3 houses are the best deal. For Q4 and Q5 houses you pay a substantial premium.

If anybody wants one of these houses please PM me. I will send the Bank of Austria ORG around to buy houses. If we get a large enough number of requests we might be in a position to demand volume discounts, so please do consider buying one. If you do not have enough gold we can grant you a loan with the following conditions:

- Maximum loan duration of 3 months
- Borrower must reside and work in this country until the loan is repaid
- Interest-free

If you already own a house and you want to upgrade, the Bank of Austria will buy your house at a price that is equal to the cheapest price on the eGlobal market. This is a very good offer. Usually you have to offer a steep discount when selling houses through private exchange.

As for maximizing work presence, there is little we can do other than to politely ask our citizens to log in every day and work. With these silly trivia being abolished I certainly hope working will become less of a burden.

President of eAustria