[GOV-MoSW] Free Food Program , eMalaysian initiative to help the citizen

Day 2,154, 09:12 Published in Malaysia Montenegro by HummingBird2013

Hi Fellow eMalaysian citizen

Thank you for our new CP for appointing me and my fellow assistant to help support our eMalaysian citizens.

This is part of the new eGov program to help newbies and the active member to contribute more and be more proactive. We will be supporting and giving free food. Yes , i mean it FREE. You will be given as per below quantities ,

- 150 q2 food or;
- 300 q1 food

If you need the supply , kindly PM me or my Deputy. We will either give it on the go if we online or we give it later , but you surely gonna get the supply.

Minister of Sosial Welfare: HummingBird2013
Vice Minister : Wain Cempedak

eMalaysia official IRC channels
- eMalaysia public channel : #erepublik.my
- Government office : #TheCO