[Gov] Minor Military Reform

Day 1,024, 15:06 Published in Japan Japan by Sugawara Michizane

Just a friendly update from the office of the president;

Because it seemed like the original thing to do with a new presidency, I thought a little addition to our military would be in good order. Current and past Minister of Defense Oligagnon has done an admirable job in the post, and I'm glad he's continuing on with it. Anyway, what we'll be doing to the military is attempting to make it more user friendly. This is primarily focused on less active / less involved players.

While it may be difficult for some citizens, especially those who don't use IRC often or log on at certain military-coordinated times, to be involved in the military. As such, we'll be opening the doors to as broad a group of citizens as possible. This "mobile militia" of sorts will be given weaponry and means of transportation to enter short-term tours of duty in foreign battles to aid our friends and allies abroad. These destinations and supplies will come from the ministry, as well as a helping hand for newer players or those who have not experienced the military module of version 2.

More specifics to come~
If you would like to discuss the above, a forum post has been made with the same information here;

Also, be sure to read and vote up government articles!!

-Sugawara Michizane