[GOV] Ending the dead lock 2

Day 1,148, 01:14 Published in South Korea USA by roland_up

Thankyou for your comments for the last article of the same topic. I think there is a better solution to that, all congress discussion will be held in game, and also in the eSKofficial.freeforums.org forum. The in-game one is for those who are too lazy to visit the forum, now you can do everything in time. 🙂

The eSKofficial.freeforums.org forum will be used to more detail discussion, if you are interested.

Here's a few guidelines for the discussion and procedure:
1. To ensure the discussion are obvious to other congressmen, you should have a tag in your title, e.g. [CONGRESS] Discussion about something something... .

1a. A discussion can be started by the a congressman, the president, and member of the cabinet. Only the president and the congressmen can vote for/against a proposal.

2. All congress proposals must be first discussed in either in-game or in the forum, to ensure all the ideas are properly discussed before bring into a vote.

2a. Congress should unite and reject all proposals that has not been discussed at all.

2b. Congress should discipline any congressman who is a serial offender of starting a vote without a discussion.

3. For proposals that do not have a in-game vote, congress members can setup a vote article after a discussion is held, the vote will be conducted at the comment section of that article, e.g. the title could be [CONGRESS VOTE] Proposal to restart the food drive project

4. The side who wins the majority of votes either held in-game or under an article will the power to pass/reject the proposal.

5. A successful congress proprosal is the binding law of this country, and disciplinary action is required for anyone to break the law.