[GOV] A huge thank you for the donations

Day 606, 06:03 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Prime Minister's Department

Before we continue with a lot more serious issues I'd like to present you an article that was long overdue. At the last congress elections I asked elected congress members to donate some of their congress golds to the government if possible so that we have enough funds to work with. And a lot of you have answered this call for which I'm very grateful for. A big thank you goes to all of you who donated money to The Central Bank of Malaysia. Here are the names with the donated amount:

Bob Boblo (MAP) - 10 gold
Jurkasz (DAP) - 5.46 gold
Adam_Smith (DAP) - 5 gold
cerasus (Djozikeists) - 5 gold
csokisuti (DAP) - 5 gold
Csongii (DAP) - 5 gold
Dar Salaam (DAP) - 5 gold
eHero (DAP) - 5 gold
gen_tiger (MAP) - 5 gold
Kicsi99 (DAP) - 5 gold
MartyMcFly1985 (DAP) - 5 gold
mcAtis (DAP) - 5 gold
Mika von Marcali (MAP) - 5 gold
nagyonolasz (DAP) - 5 gold
ooHunteroo (DAP) - 5 gold
PGeorge10 (DAP) - 5 gold
Zotyo Rage (DAP) - 5 gold
SetsunaX (MAP) - 2.5 gold
F Toti (DAP) - 2.46 gold
Badlands17 (DAP) - 1 gold
+ me - 5 gold for the president medal

For a total of 101.42 gold.

This is a very impressive amount and will help the state immensely for example in participating in training wars and fending off the takeover attempt on the 25th July. So once again, I bow before your generosity.
I very much hope that I haven't left anyone out. If I did then please complain loud and I'll edit the list asap.

Best regards,

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