Голос Гладоса;)! GLaDOS voice!

Day 547, 01:56 Published in Russia Russia by Dsjnf

1. How you have appeared on a post of the president?
i was asked to come by certain people in the community, and ran as a unity candidate under the banner of the CDP and the FRP.
2. There is an exit from interparty struggle for еRussia?
there are two very different views of how russia should be run, and i see it hard to find a compromise.
3. What there is еRussia for the PEAСE?
i do not understand 🙂
4. Last Military events in еRussia-your opinion?
CBER and Volga regions are being returned as i type this, and ESR is to be returned soon
5. Economy россии - your opinion?
i do not run the economy, ask the prime minister and his cabinet
6. Reaction to your board in еRussia-your opinion (information)?
i do not understand
7. You participate in census?
i will participate soon
8. Wish to visit Russia in real?
yes, yes i do
9. Why?
i wish to visit the place where my family is from, and connect with my culture
10. There are people which you are grateful in еRussia?
i am greatful to all the people of Russia, even those who argue against me.
to those who support me and to those who make me want to work harder, thank you!

Thanks you have answered my questions!😉