[GGRyan] Manifesto Uno - A Government By Me

Day 1,045, 12:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GGRyan
Make sure you remember that you can apply for Cabinet now, but first, read the rest of the article!


A Prime Minister's Cabinet is his most important tool. It's his life-support when he needs help, or advice. It is the rear-guard he forms, to stand together and to work to a common goal in different ways; and in a Government by me, the goal will be to make the eUK Government as efficient and as central to everyone's eLife as possible, without actually being stuck in their face with the words forum, or IRC rammed down their throat every few days.

I will hope to create a culture of true discussion among Congress, and indeed for anyone interested. To do so, I will ensure that I and Thorrold meet with representatives from all political parties weekly, so that they can speak to me about any issues brought up in their respective parties. This is partly so that we can regularly bounce ideas across the political spectrum, and partly so that these parties are regularly discussing things other than the elections; they are one of our best nets to catch new players so by god, I will support them.

I will create committees, however they will be less broad and more issue focused. For example, I will ensure that we will form a Committee to write up a revised New Citizens Message, and when the mission is complete after a deadline, the Committee will be closed and we shall move on. Committees should not be long term; they should have an expert focus to better the eUK in one way or another.

We are indeed sponsored by... Angelo Home?

The Cabinet will be split into two tiers, as it currently is. There shall be Top Tier, which will compromise of myself and Thorrold, and then the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Home Affairs. These are, in my opinion, the vital, unmovable Ministries, and I will try to ensure that this Tier has more of a precedence by allowing these Ministers time to do individual announcements, so that the population has a more focused view of what is going on in the eUK.

This will then be complimented by the rest of the Cabinet, which shall compromise of the following Ministeries;
- Ministry of Profit
- Ministry of Trade
- Ministry of Legislative Affairs
- Ministry of Technological Advancement
- Ministry of Mayhem
- Cabinet Secretary

Ministry of Profit?!? - Yes, I will reintroduce the Ministry of Profit for this quite special month. But what makes this month special? An exceptional amount of oppurtunity, with the introduction of new countries with fresh markets that will need imports in their early days. Credit has to go where credit is due; Maddog Jones inititally suggested this in one of our chit-chats, and I love the idea. Good grain managers can profit well in even our over-crowded market, so if we prepare right, then we can cash in big time in the new countries, and when this stops making money, we can sell the companies on. It can only win, and the Ministry of Profit will ensure this venture, and any other venture that comes up, does win. In co-ordination with the Ministry of Trade and even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we will find opportunities, and we will sieze them like the unforgiving capitalists some of us are. 😉

What about the Ministry of Work? - It has been proven in this last month that it is unnessecary to maintain. As v2 began, General Managers started to offer new players more, and then with the recent economic changes, the last real use for the MoW - to ensure our industries are well balanced with workers - has gone, and so with it will go the MoW. If need be, we will find emergency work if New Player jobs dry up, however on the overall it is an unnessecary Cabinet post.

I see you brought back the Cabinet Secretary... - We have indeed brought it back. It is a useful role to have serving in terms of organising the Cabinet (because I, as a member of Cabinet, admit that we aren't the most organised bunch :3), and in terms of publishing things to the ingame population. I would like an average player friendly report every few days ingame, in line with the detailed forum report. I also intend for a culture of discussion to extend to the Cabinet and so the Cab Sec will be a part of this.

And removed MoComms? Well, some people might not like this and I know me and jamesw will probably have differences in opinion on this part. The way I see it is this. The MoComms is succesful because it has the roles that are vital; pm'ing and the like. I will reunite the MoHA and ensure with Thorrold and the new leader, and their Underministers, we have a strong leadership to reinstate the Ministry of Home Affairs to the top of the eUK!

Wassup MoM? - The Ministry of Mayhem will be about having that fun that everyone loves, but no-one likes to endorse. A hub of propoganda, trolling and lulz (yes, lulz), it will have a nice open forum for everyone to chip in and enjoy. It'll try and build an organisation stockpile if possible, and have regular fun things to do for everyone, every day. If this sort of "extreme entertainment" isn't for you, I am sure you can ignore it... until it gets just too fun... 😉 The newspapers used will be mainly private however if we absolutely need too, the NNA paper may be used.

Further Information on UK Ministries

A Government centered around your player experience. A Government centered around making the most of the game, and enjoying every second of the eUK community. A Government centered around furthering the eUK, and functioning only to do so.

Sounds like a p.awesome Government to me.


Ryan + Thorrold
Candidate for President and Deputy respectively.