[GGRyan] Manifesto Tres - Mil/FA and the Cabinet!

Day 1,049, 12:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GGRyan


You may or may not have heard of the problems encountered by my main contender for the role of President; jamesw and the Unity Party. However, with the issues that mean he is out of the race, it still goes on and while many say I have it in the bag, I wouldnt like to take any chances. Therefore, I shall finish my policy set on here and also announce the Cabinet that will serve with me and Thorrold if you decide to give me that chance.

An obvious key element of our foreign pursuits this month will be the new countries in the game. I have already spoken with the New Zealand community and they are a great bunch; they will be well set in this game, and we need to talk closer with each of the new countries. The Ministry of Profit will have their eyes firmly set on them also!

This is why, when I talk with the new Minister of Foreign Affairs to determine his Ministry layout, I will hope that we can work out a way to ensure the new countries get the attention they will need and deserve in their early stages of development. Special Ambassadors whom I hope will push our relations tight with these new states.

Obviously, my core intentions having sat in Phoenix rooms for the last two months and having Frerk on my back, will be to back Phoenix fully. We are together; as EDEN have shown with their victory in Liaoning tonight, we have to stand together because if we dont they will prove frightening opposition in each and every oppurtunity available to them. We will stand by Phoenix and I know they will stand by us.

In terms of standard military, there isn't much to say. I will try and keep aside a tight military gold stockpile, as Gold has proven to be a major factor in this war module if you have enough of it. It wont be much but it will be our little way of hitting back when the going gets tough.

Also, a key feature we need to look at is our hospital structure and production. We will deliberate in Congress, Cabinet and Phoenix about which battle phase to place hospitals, and between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Military, we will begin producing hospitals. I hope that if we do start producing hospitals, then we can enact a scheme that has came into my head whilst writing. It involves anyone interested working in our hospital company for minimum wage as many days as they like, and then raffling a prize to someone who worked. It'll be a cool prize, and you'll be helping the country too.

Other than that, we'll ensure the military sticks as close to Phoenix as possible, and continues to develop under Artela's sturdy leadership to become one of the best militaries in the alliance.

The Cabinet!
The below is a skilled, enthusiastic and promising Cabinet that will be enacted upon the successful election of myself, GGRyan.

President : GGRyan
Vice President : Daniel Thorrold

Minister of Home Affairs : Dodgy Dude
Minister of Foreign Affairs : jamesw
Minister of Finance : Thatcher

Minister of Profit : Maddog Jones
Minister of Trade : Blaggard
Minister of Legislative Affairs : Darkmantle
Minister of Technology : draaglom
Minister of Mayhem : Tomazim

Cabinet Secretary : Sir Humphrey Appleby

I hope that you all join me in congratulating everyone who made this Cabinet. I ask those who didnt not to be disheartened; me and Thorrold considered highly every application that came through and we literally spent hours deliberating on some of the positions. I am confident each and every Minister shares my vision for the eUK and their Ministry; and I ask everyone to get involved in what I believe can be a great month if I am elected.

I will also be asking some of the usual names to sit in Cabinet and advise/whine/troll at me, which I am sure will keep me on my toes. 🙂

Thanks, and leave your angry letters in the box below 😉

UK President and Vice President?