[GGRyan] Manifesto Dos - Hunny, I'm Home!

Day 1,047, 09:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GGRyan

Hai. Before I begin, let me remind you that you can still apply for Cabinet; every application will be considered equally, so apply for anything that interests you and you might get the chance to step up to the plate for the eUK!

With Daniel Thorrold on my side, we would always have a strong domestic manifesto (inb4TUP) and I believe that we do have a strong domestic manifesto. Our main crutch is on our major reform of the MoHA, but with the other domestic Ministries I am sure we can offer up some great ideas for you to take onboard. Without further ado, lets get into the nitty gritty of things!

In the Ministry of Home Affairs, we've picked out a number of issues and things to improve.

- Communications Department (PM'ing/Wiki/Education)
- Culture Department (Entertainment/Gifting/Recruitment/Media)

Firstly, the successful GGGG gifting scheme that is ongoing (over 50 lives saved now, I believe) has one element that needs improving. It currently relies on donations to buy weapons, and so it is my intention to get a Q1 Rifle company for this scheme. We also need to ensure that we are making it as self-sufficient as possible by selling surplus, making the businesses as efficient as possible ect.

Next, articles! Articles are important, and while often tiresome to write, I will make sure that the media-based areas will have at least two article projects on the go at once; the Education area will have an educational series in the works while the Media area is writing for the NNA ect. It is important we ensure that we communicate at least one article every three days to the people of the eUK.

Another vital element is PM'ing. We will ensure that every single week we have a PM'ing campaign for everyone to be involved in; we'll gather lists of PM'ers from within House of Commons, the Military (who are pro) and maybe even political parties, so that we can ensure a strong weekly PM campaign. With a nice team, I think we can do well in this area providing general updates every week, and additional PM drives when needed.

We wont give up trying to recruit to the game, but I wont promise anything either. I'll try and keep an active team looking outside of the usual avenues but we cannot promise anything on this.

We will also make a shiny podcast or two explaining the game to the new player. This will be just another way to help explain the game to new players so if we find the right person, it will be done.

With regards to the Wiki, the main thing to do is ensure that we blitz every UK page to make it as accessible as possible, and make sure every resource, especially the tutorial, is up to date for v2.

The Ministry of Profit (thanks again to Maddog Jones for the original thought) will be working hard under me to make money for the eUK. Its as important as ever to get funds for our war and other fun things, and with oppurtunity about to explode everywhere the MoP will be massive in making us money. The main area that we can make money from will be the new countries. We shall have to be careful but hopefully we will be able to either quickly import to the new countries, or use our funds to create companies there and get workers over. If we mobilise fast enough, we could make a lot of profit out of that, and when that starts to run dry, we can sell the companies and finalise the venture.

I would also like this Ministry to take over some things that would have been under the MoW; for example, I would like to instate a new scheme called Mutual Employment Benefit. What would happen is that a private company owner (after strict and rigid safety checks) would give their company over to a Government organisation. They would then get access along with the MoP. The private owner still owns and runs the company fully, however is required to send a daily PM to all of their employees from the organisation (the PM a MoHA type update, set by the MoP). The MoP will check that this is done every day or two, and if it is, the company owner will be entitled to support when upgrading the company or buying an import licence. They dont lose anything, and dont have to do much, but it will benefit them alot, and help us reach more citizens of the eUK. I'd aim to have around 12 companies within this scheme in the first month.

The Military is clued up about the remaining Ministry of Work companies so it happened that I become President, we will be ready to transfer them over and close the MoW.

The Economic side will stay strong, as it already is. We are entering a time when we cannot afford to penny pinch or we may be risking our country, but we will stay careful and spend where we need to spend. 🙂

I am passionate about making the eUK as game based and user based as possible, and so will do as much as I can to eliminate pointless legislation. I, as a past Minister of Legislative Affairs, liked legislation such as the Skilled Workers Scheme, because even though it wasn't used it was centered around the game and not the forum and this is what is best for us.

I also am convinced that the House of Commons can be more useful as a hub for serious eRepublik discussion, and will actively open discussions within the place regularly.

The Ministry of Mayhem is one of my personal things that I really want to see. I want to have a large forum for it, where the MoM will plan propoganda and co-ordinate awesome trolling of enemy articles. Remember when Spain took over our media? We can do the same to others if we try hard, and get some fun along the way; lets face it, we all love doing this just no-one wants to admit it. Its just gonna be a bucket of lulz and fun and I hope that this can become an eUK institution.

I also want the Ministry of Mayhem to operate my Houses idea. It will be that at the start of every new players forum career, they will select a House to join. There will be four houses, named after famous active eUK players; there will be votes to decide who the Houses will be named after and they will then be established. Within the Ministry of Mayhem forum, there will be a House forum where the Houses can compete in competitions and have amusement under the banner of their patron. Woldy's Wacky Warehouse? Quite.

I hope that as you read this, you share just some elements of my vision for my Presidency. Ideas are popping into my head all the time; its a real stage of excitement for me and its only bringing out the best. My Government will be a progressive one, and one that will always be looking for new innovations and new ideas to make the best eUK we possibly can.

Declaration of Intent to Run for President
RFA - Interview with GGRyan
The Vice President; Daniel Thorrold
Manifesto 1 - A Government by GGRyan

Thanks for reading, and I ask for you to vote GGRyan on the 5th!

UK President and Vice President Candidates