[GEN] Smart Guide for Newbie (Repost in English version)

Day 177, 09:56 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Rid Zeal

Often, a newbie came and asking some smart question. I don’t know if they’re too lazy to read the tutorial or what.

Therefore, I’m trying to explain the feature and main menu of eRepublik. I hope this guide will be useful for newbie.

For Newbie Only

Menu Explanation

This is the description about your eIndonesian society. Society point counts from the number of invitations sent (5 points per invitation plus 5 additional points if you have a house).

- MY PROFILE: Your account profile. In role-play term, this is usually called status page of your citizen.
Left side:
* Your avatar and short description about you
* Link to change our profile
* Link to change your location (within a country or even abroad). This feature only works if you have at least a moving ticket. There are also some requirements if you wish to move abroa😛
** Not a congressman and party member
** Not working on a company or having one or more companies (including media)
** Not a president or party president.
* List of inventories sorted from food, gift, moving ticket, and weapon. Maximum product each type is 30.
* List of social activities done by you and your friends. Only the last 5 will be displayed.

Right side:
* Information about your house and your wellness. Wellness represents your energy/health and happiness. If it reaches 0 then your citizen will die. It also affects your productivity at work.
* Information of your general rank & link to details.
* Information of your wealth, in Gold and local currency.
* Pictures of your friends, summarized into 6 friends.

Middle to bottom:
* All of your working skills. Media skill seems useless for now.
* History of companies you work for or you own.
* History of donations you give to and receive from other citizens.
* History of your political activities.
* Your military status, covering your strength, military rank (affecting your fighting strength), win-lose statistics (affecting your rank), and distinctions (affecting strength, 10% per distinction).
* List of media you own.

Details of your friends, including their general rank, link to send message, and link to remove from friend list.

Sending invitations to join Erepublik. You will earn 5 Gold for each ACCEPTED invitation.

Hibernating your account, meaning that you won’t be able to play, but you won’t need to eat (Maximum 30 days of holiday annually).

Showing your country’s statistics in term of society.
Left side:
* List of regions with cities and populations.
Right side:
* Country’s general rank
* Country’s society rank
* Link to the world map showing your country’s location
* Information of population growth in last 5 months
* Citizen stats

Showing top 20 citizens with their social points.

Describing region you live in, including population, online citizens, birth and death rate, and local hospital level. On the right side the bars show the population growth in last 5 months.

A shortcut to the information of your country.

Description of your economy status. Points are acquired for your days working, 50 points for each company owned, number of employees of your own company, and 5 point for each export license.

Page to publish your CV, including the salary you expect, and some additional information. Only citizens who do not own a company may apply for jobs.

List of citizens posting their CV.

Link to create our own company.
Left side:
* Your economy status.
Right side:
* Company name
* Company description
* Business domain of your company
* Creating company requires 40 Gold.
* Link to buy existing companies.

Money exchange is one way to exchange local currency to Gold and vice versa. This could be a source of income as well.
Left side:
* Offers list, including bidder name, offered amount, and exchange rate.
Right side:
* Currency filter, including foreign currencies.
* Link to buy Gold from Admin.
* Information of recommended exchange rate, calculated by the system.
* Details to make an offer:
** Account type choices (personal or company)
** Amount to be sold, currencies to exchange, and offered rate
** Time limit of your offer

The place to buy your needs.
Left side:
* List of products, including seller’s name, stock, quality, offered price, amount to buy, and purchase confirmation.
Right side:
* Link to available product types
* Filter to prices, quality, and imported products.

Produc types explanation:
* Food : Consumed daily to maintain wellness. Quality exactly reflects the points of wellness to add.
* Gift : Given to or received from other citizens. Quality exactly reflects the points of wellness to add. Recipients may receive up to 10 points of wellness daily.
* Moving ticket : Tickets to move to other regions or countries. Q1 tickets decrease 2 wellness points. Every 1 point of quality increase, acquired wellness will increase 1 point as well.
* Weapon: War equipment, increasing your strength.
** Weaponless fight: penalty of 50% STR
** Fight with Q1 weapon: +10% STR
** Fight with Q2 weapon: +20% STR
** Fight with Q3 weapon: +30% STR
** Fight with Q4 weapon: +40% STR
* House: Daily increase of your wellness, exactly based on the quality of the house.
* Hospital: Exclusive for regions, provided only for citizens who have returned from war to regain their wellness, usable only once a day in a war event.

List of companies for sale, together with details and offered prices.

Buying gold with real money.

Showing your country’s economical stats.
Left side:
* List of all product types, covering income tax, import tax, VAT, lowest prices, etc.
* Trading agreements, including country name, trading tax, and export & import stats.
* National account in Gold and local currency.
* Donation to your country.

Right side
* Country’s general rank and economical rank.
* Link to local market
* Recommended exchange rate counted by system
* Overall economical stat of your country

List of top 20 countries in term of economy.

Link to company you work for or companies you own.

Your political stat descriptions. Points consist of votes given, political positions (200 for president, 100 for congressperson, 80 for mayor, 20 for party member, and additional 50 points for party president plus points calculated from party members).

Showing your country’s political stats
Left side:
* Elected president
* Percentage of party votes
* List of cities with mayors
* Presidential proposals with parliament votes and proposal date.

Right side:
* Your country’s general rank and political rank
* Last general election result
* Last local election result (not functioning properly)

Showing top 20 citizens in term of political points

Link to page of your political party. If you’re not a member of any party, there will be a page to select a party.

Description of military stats. Points are calculated from days of training.

- JOIN SOLDIER (If not mistaken)
Link to join military to start training

Page to start training
* str 1.xx = 0.2 per train
* str 2.xx = 0.1 per train
* str 3.xx = 0.05 per train
* str 4.xx = 0.03 per train
* str 5.xx = 0.01 per train

Displaying list of active wars worldwide, including:
* Active wars
* Fighting countries
* Start & end dates
* Only involved countries may fight
* Details of each war.

Explanations over wellness. All things that increase and decrease wellness.

Showing your country’s military stat.
* Your country’s war
* MPP (Mutual Protection Pact): Alliance agreement. If your country gets into war, the other countries signing MPP with your country will be able to involve in the war.
* General rank and military rank of your country
* Number of soldiers and average strength

List of top 20 citizens in term of military

Description of your country’s media status.

The official newspaper of Admin, providing information around Erepublik system.

Displaying 5 latest news
* Daily Erepublik: newest articles from EREPUBLIK INSIDER
* Local News: self-explanatory
* Press Release: articles issued by political parties
* International News: articles with highest votes worldwide

Left side: List of 10 newest articles
Left side: Your country’s general rank & national media rank, and list of media with the most subscribers

List of top 20 media with number of subscribers.

The page of your media, where you can manage your media as your own company (without other employees). The products of media are articles, that MUST relate to Erepublik life.

Link to official Erepublik forum.

How to get money in Erepublik

The simple way to get money is working in a company. how to do it?
* Select "Economy" Bar, then choose Find a Job. Post your CV. Make sure that you select the industry that you are interested in. IF you want to put some notice, write it in the observatiosn column.
* Be active, The easiest way is to contact GM in every companies. Remember, do it politely.
* Always aware your wellness, Never get tempted with company who propose higher salary. It is recommended to check the quality of the company before accepting offer from GM. This is because your wellness will reduced as much as the level of quality in that company. for example, company that produce level 1 quality will reduce 1 wellness/ work. level 2 quality will reduce 2 wellness, etc.
Some tips from me:
* If you are leaving the company, it is better not to work first before accepting a job proposal. It will make your attendance percentage lower, resulting lower in productivity. That will make you cannot work at the first day and get GM some loss in profit. So, there is nothing wrong to think about it first before accepting job proposal.
* If you are in trouble, never hesitate to ask for help. always remember, no begging! it is common in online games, that begging is become habit, well it sucks. Always do your best! Only ask for help when you really need it.

Becoming a GM is one way to get money. For details, please go to [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-143242.html]here[/a]. But still in Indonesian Language

Trading between Gold into Local Currency could be a opportunity to generate more money in erepublic. here is some small tips to get involved in monetary exchange :
* Look for rates between Gold into Local Currency and vice versa
* Look for possibillity to raise or drop between gold with Local Currency
* Predict where the market goes
* Sell when you see the currecy is dropping
* Buy when it is raising
* When market is stable, sell gold and local currency with lowest rates as possible. example: sell IDR at 0.05, sell gold at >20IDR

In game which more into social aspects, we could get money in many ways, just use your creativity. some samples:
* Gambling (betting, lottery, etc)
* Capital Investment, preferably with contract or any sort of agreements.
* Be Creative

That’s all from me and I hope you find this article useful and could makes you to find that playing Erepublik is exciting.

Translated from [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/article-267432.html]this article[/a] by :
- [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-255071.html]Pradana[/a]
- [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-9107.html]hudiyawan[/a]