*GASP* Ajay Bruno Banned!

Day 698, 14:14 Published in South Africa South Africa by Oceanus
Infamous PTOer's Career Comes to an Abrupt End
The day has finally come


Ajay Bruno has been banned. He has been reported for multis many times. Leading to suspicions that the admins only keep him around for the RL money he spends. Other rumors were that he operates from a computer lab, logging in from different computers for each character. One thing is for sure, Ajay did operate multi accounts, and he's finally been caught for it.

His suspected Multi in Australia, Barnabas Stinson, and USA Multi Silas Benjamin have also be banned today

I wouldn't expect Ajay to give up. But this is a huge victory for South Africa, and all of the eWorld.
The most hated man in eRepublik has finally had his crimes catch up with him.

*Run out into the streets to celebrate