[FUP][DPP][PR][PAFP] ELECTION **UpDate 18:40**

Day 978, 10:43 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by amer59

Dear All eMalaysia Citizens;

As you may know eSerbian PTO-ers ( a company which leads by Borssajkas ) are holding one of our oldest parties, DCM. and already published a FUNNY VOTING INSTRUCTIONs

So, DO NOT VOTE FOR &quot😉jozikeist Church of Malaysia" CANDIDATES, Please.

Today I am not going to make any instructions or orders, I only want to BEG YOUR COOPERATE.

To tell the truth, some active players in eMalaysia decided to move to other countries just after today's election, of course unfortunately, so we will need more and more young and active players (this will start the day after electin), but what I want to BEG is for today and your VOTE. It is nothing more than 1 click and you can help your country by this, or give it to eFrustrated Serbians in complete respect, and of course you have the right to choose it.

BUT, who you need to vote and whom will need your vote more than whatever you think are below candidates, whose are trustworthy players and will help the country as much as you can not think.

Whoever you are and wherever you stay, here is the list and officional candidates, from all parties and this list is for all eMalaysians.

Peninsular Malaysia Official Candidates are :

Do not vote in Peninsular Malaysia any more

1- Sakurara (FUP)

2- Noveras (PR)

3- mohsen568 (PAFP)

4- Hajariyan (PAFP)

5- SatoshiTomiie (PR)

6- Steven Tan (FUP)

7- Poor Boy (FUP) *****

8- Pacificocean (DPP)

9- Badlands17 (DPP) *****

10- Jeff Shiiste (DPP) *****

11- irooni64 (PAFP) *****

Sabah official Candidates are :

1- Yarihan (PR)

2- Fuzzy_Dunlop (PAFP) --> need 2 more votes

3- Jackdoniel_love (DPP) --> need 2 more votes

4- Amli Nujhan (PAFP) --> need 2 more votes

5- Zack Zariph (PAFP) --> need 2 more votes

6- Wingman Hamallee (DPP) --> need 3 more votes

7- Mihan_Parast (PAFP) --> need 3 more votes

8- Returned_Knight (PAFP) --> do not vote for him *****

Sarawak official Candidates are :

1- Sthhuat (PR)

2- Ghostmasters (DPP) --> need 3 more votes

3- Afique (PAFP) --> need 3 more votes

4- eyex3 (PR) --> need 4 more votes

5- Zyleris (PAFP) --> need 3 more votes

6- Juvin (PR) --> need 3 more votes

7- SSiyan (PR) --> do not vote for him now

8- Mr.Aleph (DPP) *****

9- Amer59 (PAFP) *****

Stared Candidates, will need your votes more, and try to update this list time-by-time to inform you the latest results and show you who will need your vote more

Lastly, I would like to ask you to VOTE & Shout this article and inform your friends in your friend list to do same (Vote and Shout) and help eMalaysia By their VOTES

I, myself, will hold my vote till last hour and will vote for whoever except PTO-ers in last minutes, and do not know what will you do.

Wish you do not waste any single Vote, and will pray for it.

"We Not Me"

***** For Moving Tickets Please send a message for me, and I will send back a Ticket for you, or you can comment on below of this article and you will receive your Moving Ticket immediately, so do not hesitate to ask for MT.*****

Warmest Regards,

A friend of eMalaysia and ATO member


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