[Funny] Admin's kidnapping story !

Day 1,151, 08:07 Published in Romania Romania by Alexandru Chivu
If you take the time to Search for "admin" you will see that he is no more !

No official statement about this incident was pronounced, at least not yet.

After investigating the issue, I got my answer:

The admin has not disappeared, he was kidnapped.

Citizens have always whined about admin's decisions ! They were used to posting articles, forum posts, open letters, tickets... and just being ignored, but is that what they were really doing ?!

I investigated the case, and discovered that behind all these normal expression of their point of view, the citizens had a private and secret place, where they were all talking about this, until some day, it was too much. They all gathered, and voted an HQ for their Revolt operation, and decided to get it up a notch, so they voted a Commander who was "Plato" and decided to kidnap admin and put their Commander in his place.
After kidnapping admin, they took him to their secret Headquarters, and killed him after some torture.

First I will expose the most 3 main "characters" of the incident :


Of course, as you may think he is shooting at eRepublik fair Citizens with his new game features.



Now, let's remember:

Plato was the eRepublik advisor, that until one day this happened

So let's just say that admin and Carla had an adventure that took Plato out. After being fired and leaving eRepublik, Plato contacted some eRepublik friends and Carla

and since Carla wanted so bad to keep her position, she helped Plato with his plan.

So the Revolt started to grow, until the final meeting

with Plato, Carla and the Revolt HQ has decided.

Sadly, there was a spy that told admin about the Revolt plans

but too late ! There was nothing to do. The same night, admin was kidnapped

and has put face to face with Plato. And after long discussions,

admin began to finally FEEL the Citizens' dislikes, as he didn't want to just hear them. And finally,

he was killed.
As you can see, Plato is not the murderer 🙂 So don't bother reporting him to the FBI. The real murderer is being identified now, and will soon be arrested.

Finally, Plato took admin's place, and Carla doesn't have any concurrent anymore for her post.

Just search Plato and you will find the one and only admin profile, which is proof of my story.

Hope he won't shoot at the Citizens as admin did (see above) or a new Revolt will start, and who knows who will rise. 🙂


Alexandru Chivu

EDIT: I see that a forum post was created for this topic, and that a PM was sent to all Citizens.