[FUNNY] 10 signs you may be addicted to eRepublik

Day 1,256, 09:55 Published in Romania Romania by BaDaAtiLuatToateIdurile
Here are the top ten signs that YOU may be addicted to eRepublik:

1. When you buy bread, and you're asked which type you what you say: "Q5 ones".

2. You programmed the computer to start automatically the eRepublik chats when it's starting.

3. When you are in the front of an ATM you remember only the eRepublik PIN.

4. When you arrive home and your wife/girlfriend (husband/boyfriend 😛) asks if you worked well today your answer is : "Of course, I worked with 100 wellness as always".

5. You putted the newspaper of your country's Ministery of Defense as homepage to all browsers installed in your computer and your smartphone.

6. You didn't use any social network in the last half on year and you always try to find your friends and family using the "Search citizen".

7. During the time you eat, you watch the campaign of the day battle.

8. At your last salary negotiation your first impulse was to go to the office and verify the highest eRepublik salaries.

9. At the last RL elections you didn't recognize any candidates because no one have an account on eRepublik.

10. You wake in the night to fight in eRepublik battles often than you wake to drink water or go to bathroom.

Please write your ideas in commentaries and I'll add them.

11. When you ask your boss for a bonus for 30 days worked in a row (from fulgerell)

12. When you try to google the exchange rates for the Greek Drachma (from Stranger Here Myself)

13. When your first impulse is to finish a letter with o7 (from Bogdan Armand Sibrand)

14. When you go to a RL military training camp and ask where is napoleon (from WhosTheNub

15. When you join a RL party just for the exp you get from PP elections (from OmegWar)

16. When you actually try working for 30 companies at once (from OmegWar)

17. When you write "Guru***" for qualification, in your CV (from OmegWar)

18. When you put in jail in RL to think that only you were banned, so do another account (from ilegalflowerr)

19. When u ask your boss to pay you in gold, not with money (from Cristian Neiro)

20. When you read a newspaper you're looking for the "Report" button. (from oxygene)

PS: Many thanks to all my subscribers for the MMM. Stay tuned, there are others many interesting articles to come.