-Finale for Massachusetts-

Day 489, 15:48 Published in USA Serbia by Julius Rodvigo

Hello my Massachusetts friends,

As changewillcome said here, it is true that I have endorsed him, as I look at the country and see where it's going I know that's it going to need strong and smart voices to change this country for the better and I feel that I've lost my will and ability to be your representative after these three months. I've been proud to serve a state such as this and to be in Congress with such individuals as One Eye to PrincessMedyPi. I apologize to my citizens that I've not been the most able and diligent congressman, I gave you my will and fought for the better. However, in two days time, hopefully a new light will arise and brighten this state and replace my dimming light which needs to be refueled. I'll come back one day after seeing the world and fighting for freedom. Until then, I wish my citizens, colleagues, and friends the best of wishes and that with these new congress members will bring the truth to what America was truly meant for, Greatness.


~Julius Rodvigo~
~3 Term Congressman for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts~