[FHD]English - A new generation and the last article!

Day 1,280, 14:14 Published in Sweden Sweden by itfolk

Hello dear citizens!

A new generation of Folkhemsdemokrater!

We have a new generation of Folkhemsdemokrater at our doorstep. They want in
and take part, share their views and make a political career. This generation is our future generation of presidents and commanders. This is the future.

At the same time its important to say that most of the workplace of our party has moved. The shining activity that earlier took place in our private forum is now predominantly taking place in our private IRC channel. This is makes the communication faster and simpler, but it can also make it harder for our newcomers to take part of our work and to reach our community.

Our forum still holds great activity and propably is eSwedens most active political forum.
Our IRC channel however never sleeps, there is always active partymembers online - we've had a maximum of 24 logged in people at the same time.
Talk about the weather, nag on your neighbours or sharpen your political ideas, just about anything takes place here!

I've even noticed after checking my logs that just about everyday the chatlog of #FHD-Private is longer than the eSwedish official channel #erepublik.se's

So if you are a new member of Folkhemsdemokraterna please apply here and dont forget to join #Folkhemsdemokraterna on IRC and ask for directions to join our private channel aswell.

If you are a member of the new baby boom and the new wave of Folkhemsdemokrater. Join our community now and get even more out of the game!

What is the most resonable choice?

Well, thats when you wont accept anything else than a good future in hold for every eSwedish citizen. This also includes that you dare to think of eSweden as a military power to count with.

How resonable is it when some of eSwedens most powerful players is in the organisation who started a resistance war just as eSweden was in a most vulnerable position in a bloody war?

Whats resonable is Folkhemsvärnet, the FHD organisation who hands out 150-200
wellnes in food to their members when they fight on orders. Every order Folkhemsvärnet gives results in war influence around half a million (except when Johannes tanks, then it's even higher)
Suddenly has Folkhemsvärnet become an importent factor to count with.

We feel that it is of great importance to give the new players a high priority, whilst other parties rather helps the already established and wealthy company owners. Is it reasonable that companys creates cartels so that they not only can controll the market prices but even the wages for our workers which also makes it possible for them to stop the development of new companys with ease. We, Folkhemsdemokraterna does not value our SEK more than a new player who needs his paycheck and a good meal every day. Who knows, maybe one day this will be our future president?

No, we dont dislike company owners, and yes, players who dedicate their time to this game should earn more then those who just clics 2 times.
But thats not a reason to put a side the workers and the non established players just because you think you deserve better and are more active.
Maybe you put great time in your company, but dont you think it gives more back if you rather would help your workers both financially and with valuable information?
To prioritize the inactive may be the first step to make this player bloom.

We also want to present our new party president, Farbrorbla, he will soon present more articles about Folkhemsdemokraterna and his chosen board. More information will soon be presented!

Time has come to the congress election. Folkhemsdemokraterna is about to complete its troup of candidates. More information will soon be presented!

Also it is with great debt me and all the other members of Folkhemsdemokraterna says goodbye to this organisation which has been the primary source of information for all of you with our common interest, Folkhemmet. Every 76 articles which have been published by party presidents or members means very much. It's hard time thats been put down. But, The organisation with its newspaper will be around - just without the opportunity to run it. In the future our articles will be published by our members, usually marked with [FHD] as a signature.

//Julius Mann

Translated by itfolk