[Fed PP] Today is the Day to Vote Fed

Day 3,839, 13:32 Published in USA Hungary by BigCDaddy

Music written about the Federalist Party

Hey there,

It is election day again in America, and I wanted to take a second to tell you why I think that the Federalist Party should get your vote.

The Federalists have built their house on the idea of 'integrity.' But what does that really mean in eRep? The simplest reflection of this ideal can be found in how we run elections- we play fair. We don't rig elections and we don't buy votes. We don't mess around.

Beyond how we operate elections, integrity permeates every facet of this party. Every department we have, every job that we do serves to strengthen this nation. We are a meritocracy. If you work hard in this party and demonstrate integrity, you have every opportunity available to you. It's not about who you know, it's about who you are.

The Federalist party has a very rich history that has made us the proudest/horniest party in all of eRepublik. We didn't just inherit a party that had dominated eUS politics since the beginning of time that we merely had to maintain- We built this. And we insisted on building a party with real integrity that could honestly represent our members, serve our members and raise the level of game play in eRep. Every member we've ever had has contributed to building and strengthening this party...but we're not done.

The Feds have long been a beacon to those players who believe in fair play and having fun. We have been a safe haven for good people who want to be a part of something worthwhile. We are the party that makes the hours you dedicate to eRep something to be proud of.

I think that our party can best be summed up by our party credo:

"As Federalists:

We believe that our country comes before our party, and our party comes before ourselves. A Federalist will place the nation's interest above their own.

We believe that a person's work ethic and ability should be the primary factor in consideration for party positions and congressional candidates. A Federalist believes in giving players an opportunity to serve based on their merits and not how long they have played the game.

We believe in honesty and transparency, whenever possible the Federalist Party will decide business in public venues. A Federalist will not lie and if a mistake is made will openly come forward and admit it.

We believe in a higher moral calling, and as a party we will strive to do what is right and not what everyone else is doing. A Federalist does not cheat or steal, and plays the game as it is meant to be played. If trusted with a national or party leadership position a Federalist will discharge their office with impeccable moral character.

We believe in continuing education, party members will strive to educate themselves to be the best citizen they can be. A Federalist will work to share their knowledge of the military, political and economic modules with other party members to help them excel.

We believe in diversity of ideas, as a party we may not always agree on issues, but we will be respectful of each others opinions and debate issues based on the merits of the cause. A Federalist will maintain a civil dialogue even when they disagree with someone.

We remember this is a game, with the objective to have fun, whether you play for 15 minutes or fifteen hours, a Federalist will remember that real life comes first and not to take anything too seriously.

We are Proud Horny to be Federalist and Americans."

So today, Friday May 25, 2018, I want to ask you to join us in our quest to bring integrity back to ePolitics. We are looking to help this country in any way we can, but in order to do that we need your vote. Today is the day to remind the country that your vote matters. Today is the day to vote for a party that wants the same things that you do.

Today is the day to vote Fed.
