[Fed] Fed Awards Special Edition

Day 2,038, 11:51 Published in USA USA by Malarkey83

Hello America!

Welcome to the Fed Awards Special Edition!

When a Fed is asked, who embodies the spirit, and sheer awesomeness that our party is known for...a Fed can simply rely on one name. The name is Fingerguns.

Fingerguns has been Party President of the Feds 5 times and even had a stint as our Country President. In order though to learn more about this truly amazing woman, I figured the best way was to conduct an interview.

Malarkey83: What brought you to the Feds in the first place?

fingerguns: Jakov made me join the Feds because he was a Fed. I was only playing erep so he would like me, but then I got super into it and he quit.

Malarkey83: And why did you stay?

fingerguns: I liked the social aspects of it and saw a huge opportunity to do something cool with the Feds. We were really tiny at the time, but seemed to have all the elements you would need to become a big deal party. So, I set to work trying to make it happen and the fact that we've seen success makes it easier to keep going.

Malarkey83: Some Feds perceive you as being the quintessential Fed...how do you feel about that?

fingerguns: I am. I absolutely am.

Malarkey83: What has been your biggest accomplishment or win as a Fed?

fingerguns: I consider the entire party to be my accomplishment. I didn't do it all alone, of course, but I was the architect for so much of what we have now. The fact that it's still standing makes me very p/h!

Malarkey83: And conversely, what has been your biggest failure?

fingerguns: My biggest failure would probably be leaving for 2 years without even checking in. I mean, I was off in RL being awesome and shit, but I know the party went through some hard times and that makes me feel bad.

Malarkey83: When you were a young player...who were your Heros? Who did you admire in game?

fingerguns: Gaius Julius was p awesome. He was a smart player. I like how he was balanced by Bill Brasky who was a hard worker, but more of a goofball. Those two guys were big deal feds when I joined and they gave me opportunities to do lots of things.

Malarkey83: The person you are today in game: was that shaped by influences or were you pretty much always like this?

fingerguns: I am who I am. There is a lot of RL me pushed into fingerguns. My actual job is all about 'helping newbs to reach their dreams.' I am also this 'rah rah' person like all the time.

All the p/h and the memes and rallying people together and making cohesive groups...that's something I do. The game has probably made me do it more in my real life, but i've always had that bit to my personality.

Malarkey83: What was the best advice you were ever given?

fingerguns:"F*ck it. Feds4Life." -Greene12

Malarkey83: Now for some goofy questions...Favorite dinner from your childhood?

fingerguns: I liked it when my dad made pancakes for dinner or when we would grill hotdogs. Toss up between those, but more for sentimentality than taste, I'm sure.

Malarkey83: Coolest place you’ve ever been to in the world?

fingerguns: What make places cool are usually the stories and experiences that go with being there. I have many stories and I have done many things in my travels. However the one place that jumps out to me as being super awesome in its own right would be Universal Studios in Florida. I was like 12 when I went there and it was like a day long fungasm. I've had a lot of 'grown up' fun since then, but none of it will ever come close to the pure 'squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' of being a 12 year old at Universal Studios.

Malarkey83: Favorite way to spend your downtime when not playing erep or busy with RL?

fingerguns: I crochet and listen to stand up comedy. Although lately it's more like sit motionless on the couch and shove ice cream into my face while I count down the days to this baby getting here and whine to Jakov about how puffy my feet are.

Well, I just have to say, if you are still not amazed by how awesome she is...then there’s something seriously wrong with you. Fingerguns is an inspirational player for many Feds. She’s there to answer your questions, sometimes tell you why you’re an idiot, and then help you learn how not to be one. Oh wait, I’m just talking about me...anyway...enough rambling. Fingerguns has always been there for the Feds when we’ve needed her most. During my PP, she helped me to strive to be better and do more for the Feds. She opened my eyes to doing things not for the status quo, but to truly make an impact.

What Fingerguns brings to the party is a vision for the eUSA that demands the best of us to serve the least of us. We must be selfless and hardworking and willing to fight for what’s right. We must take seriously the role we play in the bigger picture, while never losing sight of the fact that this is a game and games are supposed to be fun. She envisioned a party that would become the standard bearer - the yardstick by which all other parties are measured. She continues to push the Feds to be exactly that and challenges other parties to be better.

So without further adieu, we present Fingerguns with this award to honor her and thank her for her time and devotion. You make us all want to be better.

Also, this award disqualifies you from sweeping future Fed Awards...let someone else have a chance