[Fed] Are You Ready to Be Strong?

Day 3,856, 22:50 Published in USA Hungary by BigCDaddy
Some music from an old friend

Hey there,

It's that time again. Time for me to show you all why I believe that I should be in charge of the Federalist party for the coming month. And while I should be used to that process by now (I've run for PP 6 times), I find myself in the unfamiliar position of campaigning for reelection. In spite of my 4 terms as Party President, I've actually never run for consecutive terms. This is primarily because of my firm believe that new blood in party leadership is one of the most crucial needs for a party. I find that things stagnate when the same person or people are in charge for too long.

That brings me my first important point. I have seen a shocking lack of new blood involved in the party in the past few months. I've been trying this month to get newer players involved in important roles, but so far have had little luck, and I think I've finally figured out why.

Our current Fed cabinet is understaffed, loosely defined, and consists mostly of older players who have done their role forever. That is not an inherent evil, however I don't think that we as a party are in that stage any more. It's time for us to embrace this new (old) style of leadership, and that begins by wiping the slate clean. I'm looking for strong players to fill every Fed cabinet position for the coming month. Every position will be open for any Fed who can show me that they've got what it takes. Below is a list of every cabinet position that still needs filled (I'll add names as I get them). If you are interested in any of them, all you need to do is drop me a PM or catch me on discord.


Party President: BigC
Vice-Party President: TBD
Chief of Staff: TBD
Political Director: TBD
Media Director: TBD
Recruitment Director: TBD
Retention Director: TBD
FedEx Director: TBD

I mean it when I say that we are starting from scratch.

If you don't have the experience to run one of these tougher jobs, worry not! There is a role for every single one of you, and I'm looking forward to helping you find it. I wrote an article recently about my vision for the party moving forward, and I wanted to make sure that the meaning behind some of that grandstanding is understood fully. I have always loved the Feds, and the reasons why are too numerous to count, but over the years some of my favorite things about the party have tapered off. Outside of a few older players who are pillars of the party, we've been lacking a serious feeling of community. I understand that forums have become a relic of a bygone era, and that Discord is more based around brief, down-to-business conversations. I understand that the game has slowed down, and that apathy runs high nearly everywhere.

Those facts don't deter me.

I believe that parties still have a place in this game, and the secret to making parties matter lies in the one thing that Feds used to do better than anyone. Build community.

This game has always been, and will always be about the people. Very few people hang around here unless they're compelled by the social aspects of the game. I think that it's our most important goal as a party, and as citizens of the eUS to foster the kind of community that keeps people logging in. No matter what happens in politics, or in the war module, the community lives on.

With that in mind, I'd like to lay out a few of my goals for the party in the coming month.

1. Take back 1st place

I know that I just went on a rant about how I'm glad that SFP displaced us from number one in the eUS, but that doesn't mean that I don't want it back. I sincerely hope that by pushing us to second place, SFP will have given us a good dose of humility, and a desire to work harder than before. That can be carried over, even after we pass them in membership.

2. New leadership

My loose goal to represent this change in atmosphere, is to appoint at least 2 brand new members of leadership this month. I will deliberately be looking to accomplish this within any reasonable means (No, for real, hit me up if you want to be involved in politics). I'm also offering jobs to literally every Fed.

3. Foster Community Growth

This is so much easier said that done, but I have a few ideas that are shamelessly stolen from others. My first priority is of course leading by example, but sometimes my borderline obnoxious forum activity isn't enough. I'll be working on re-optimizing and promoting Fedicare in order to help incentivize activity. We've done Fed game nights before in the past to varying degrees of success, and I'd like to start them up again in a trial capacity.

If these points have convinced you that I should be leading the Federalist Party in the coming month, I'd love to have your vote in the Fed Primary. I'm running because I think that I'm the right man for the job, and I think that I can do something good for this party. If my ideas aren't for you, then at least stop by the forum and give a vote for Cthulhu. He's a great guy, a solid Fed, and has all of the qualifications to not only handle the job, but do it well. Either way, I think you're in good hands this month.

Thanks for your time, and thanks for your vote.

And as always,