[fandi89] Prihatin

Day 1,141, 01:33 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by fandi89

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Selamat Sore eIndonesia,
Selamat sore Indonesia.

hehehe, udah lama ga nulis artikel niyh,, jadi kebetulan sore ini ada waktu senggang, ane nulis artikel deh.. Ok. here we go guys 😃

Latar belakang penulisan artikel ini berangkat dari keprihatinan ane akan banyaknya artikel warga eIndonesia yang isinya protes karena mereka dapet FP dari artikel - artikel yang pernah mereka tulis sebelumnya. Forfeit (sering juga disebut Famous) point yang didapat oleh seorang player, dapat dikarenakan hal - hal sebagai berikut :
1. Pornography
2. Vulgarity
3. Insult
4. Rasicm
5. Spam
6. External Advertising
7. Public Debates

Berikut adalah definisi yang dikeluarkan mimin untuk ketujuh poin pelanggaran tersebut. Diambil langsung dari http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Rules_Addendum dengan bahasa inggris. Ane sengaja tidak merubah ke bahasa Indonesia, karena takut menimbulkan salah penerjemahan (english ane juga standard2 aje)

Being an international community, the standards of what constitutes pornography varies. Nudity or sensuality does not always equal pornography. Each case is taken on an individual basis. This includes, but is not limited to, avatars and pictures published in articles:
>> Erotic pictures are NOT CONSIDERED to be pornography.
>> Pictures in which persons do not have at least knickers (and bra, in case of women) are CONSIDERED to be pornography.

Vulgarity cases include, but are not limited to, the following cases:
>> Usage of commonly considered vulgar and curse words;
>> Usage of vulgar user names or avatars.

There is a distinction between disagreements and insults. Ironic content and propaganda will not be considered as an attempt to insult other citizens.
Friendly banter will not be taken under consideration on reports by third parties. The person at which the words are addressed should report the content if he/she feels insulted.

“ The term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. ”

Racism is considered a form of insult towards a group of citizens.
The following direct or indirect actions ARE NOT considered racism:
>> Criticize a nation or nationality.

The following direct or indirect actions ARE considered racism:
>> The genealogy of a nationality is said to be inferior;
>> Pejorative or harmful terms or stereotypes are used from the nation/nationality.

Spam is defined as any incoherent text, or lack of text itself, or text copied from another source that serves no other purpose than to flood the media in order to keep other articles from being seen.
The following actions ARE considered spam:
>> Transmitting any unsolicited, unauthorized materials or any other form of solicitation that ERPK >> Web considers in its sole discretion to be of such nature;
>> Posting comments which are not related to the conversation;
>> Posting articles or topics of real world events not directly related to eRepublik;
>> Multiple posting of topics or comments in a short period of time, and publishing duplicate articles;
>> Posting material that is not authored by the publisher himself or herself;
>> Posting of articles of irrelevant nature that are flooding the news module (for example: Playboy-like articles);
>> Posting article comments in order to advertise products or companies;
>> Promoting an article by publishing multiple articles in one or more countries having the same subject or linking to the promoted article;
>> Lottery / betting articles.

The following actions ARE NOT considered spamming:
>> Posting articles in a language that is different from the language of the country in which the article is published;
>> Creating content which contains poems, humor, jokes or irony, as long as the content is respecting the other eRepublik Laws.

External Advertising
The following actions are considered cases of advertising for external products:
>> Posting any links or mentions to other games;
>> Posting links or mentions to other websites that are not related to eRepublik;
>> Advertising other not related to eRepublik products, services, charities, religions, organizations, etc.

Illegal Public Debates
Untuk publik debate ini, karena ga ada di dalam wiki.erepublik.com, asumsi gw, adalah artikel2 ilegal (kayak ngangkat isu RL, ato saling ejek antar pihak) yang mengundang perdebatan antar player

Nah, segitu aja dulu. Semoga dengan adanya artikel ini, kita semua bisa terhindar dari FP-FP ga jelas yang asalnya dari Report Abuse.

eJava, 01.30 erep time


PS 1 :
Sebelum publish artikel, cek dulu artikelnya, jangan sampe artikel yang dibuat bisa memancing RA-RA ga jelas dari entah siapa

PS 2 :
untuk yang doyan RA, artikel ane jangan di-RA yah kk.. untuk orang luar yang ngerti bahasa indo, please dont abuse my article 😉

PS 3 :
gw belom punya,, beliin dong 😃