[EXTRA] Regarding RoC and Paywalls

Day 2,170, 20:26 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

Japan, it's ahava3233 reporting to you, currently from Bon Temps, Louisiana for allied and CoT business. So anyway, I wanted to discuss a point brought up from William of Edenbury's article.

Ya, if you were wondering there were plenty of vampires here in Bon Temps, including potentially myself xD. PS: Too bad if you hate True Blood, cuz it's a great show 😛.

William brought up the matter of eRoC and the war in his article. Yes, we have been wiped, yes we no longer have a shield. But you know something, his analysis is completely correct in my honest opinion about our reaction to the whole situation--let me explain.

A few weeks ago I wrote an article entitled, Oxygen. William basically expanded on those principles in the article he just published. He mentioned that he basically refused to plow through our currency reserves to beat RoC. Let me explain to you why this is actually the proper choice with a nice analogy many of you will appreciate.

I know many of you enjoy this grotesque thing known as online porn...I'm sure those of you who indulge in this hentai and futa nonsense know that there are many different places to get it. Some of these places are free, others require you to spend some money...Of course, I'm sure most of you, being as bright as you are, prefer the free stuff over the paid stuff. Heck, this is the case even if the site supposedly says it only wants a dollar from you for age verification purposes, given it'll just ask for more later...probably.

Our war with RoC follows the same principle, to them, there is no paywall. If they want to attack us, they can simply do it with a Natural Enemy law. However, I'm sure many of you are trying to compare our current situation to Mitsunami War. Realize this though, Portugal is different from RoC for a simple reason, they have a paywall to get through. To be precise, the paywall is about 7.5 million units of Energy to do an airstrike...yeah I know, that's a big wall. They're not going to go over that again anytime soon especially after their horrible loss to us, I can assure you.

Thus...if we fight back against RoC with just a ton of currency like we did in Mitsunami War, it is almost inevitable that we would go broke and still be wiped in the end. Direct confrontation is not the answer for that reason. We need to investigate other options, like as William said, working with other countries and alliances.

I said this in the Oxygen article, I'll say it again. I hope you all take this into account.

That may mean losing some battles, or possibly even this entire war for now--but we'll slingshot back in the end as we always have. I have yet to see our persistence falter in any situation due to this community's everlasting patriotism. Thus, I'm sure we'll get through this even stronger than before!

Thank you for reading and have a good day folks! Stand strong Japan!

The above gif is dedicated to Boukun Suzaku
