新任eUS驻eChina大使 / New eUS Ambassador to eChina

Day 1,145, 20:01 Published in USA China by A Rock Star in Tanzania

Dear eChina,

Today I was assigned as eUS ambassador to eChina, where I was born and bred. I will be working as a deputy to Athanaric. It is my great pleasure to come back to work for a better relationship between eChina and eUS.eChina and eUS have been best friends since v1. With brilliant planning and closely joint cooperation between eChina, eUS and EDEN allies, we made a successful campaign and destroyed eIndonesia, eHungary and eSerbia empires in Asia eventually. During the process, eChina successfully librated all the regions and became a world power.

Following the collapse of Phoenix, the existing alliance system of the world is changing. As you may already know, a new alliance called PANAM was founded and eUS is one of the founding members. The newly-elected president of the eUS Haliman is currently working with presidents of other countries on it and if you are interested, please subscribe to his newspaper. But no matter how things are changing, I believe eUS will be the best ally of eChina as always.

Myles Robinson was a model of ambassador and I hope I can do a good job like what he did. I am currently a citizen of eUS so I can not publish in eChina but I believe most of my eChinese friends have subscribed to my newspaper. I’ll keep you updated and fell free to contact me if anything I can help.

eUS Ambassador to eChina





Myles Robinson是我的楷模,希望我能够做的和他一样好。由于我现在是eUS国籍,因此无法将报纸发布到eChina,不过我相信很多eChina的朋友已经订阅了我的报纸,我会在报纸上为大家提供更新的消息,如果有任何需要我帮忙的事请尽管联系我。
