[eUM] The Game Is On

Day 1,875, 09:23 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

O F F I C I A L--- e M A L A Y S I A N --- G O V E R N M E N T


RyuYuki, Monkeyboom Yau.
As you can see I normally put the goalie as team captain.
He is the final defence; a spectator in the field… thus he can see everybody’s position.


In the changing room.

Listen to me… Give me 1000% of you attention to me right now. (*clap). 1000 % of your attention…

We’re going to turn this season around… okay?… In an instance… today!
It’s a rivalry game. You put your heart and soul to this game… this afternoon… okay?
You’re gonna play this game like it’s your last breath and life.

Why you’re here? (*pointing izzat F. Kennedy)…
Why you’re here (*marcotje)… and why you’re here (*Leo Syahmessi)…?
I tell you why you’re here…
‘Cause I said to you, I believe in you as a player… That’s why you’re here.
He (*affandede) said to you (*Nerzhu1), he believes in you as a player… That’s why we brought you here.
You say it to me,…: I believe in this team.
Every single player in this room say it to me: I believe in this team !!!

And I tell you guys… We will never never ever give up or let you down in any single way. I promise that.
That’s my vow to you.
I know you are going to give in everything.
I don’t care what the results show. I’ll never give up thinking that this team is going to be the champion team.
Bring it… come on.

Put our hands together in trust.

Think big; Act Big… and we’ll get big results guys…

Train coach,

Minister of Edutainment

Dean of eRepublic Art and Technology,
eUniversity of Malaya [eUM]

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