Day 1,851, 18:19 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

O F F I C I A L--- e M A L A Y S I A N --- G O V E R N M E N T

There’re so many people thinking that to make changes you have to rule.
No… you don’t really have to rule to create changes unless if you want to take the credits… and the blame.

I gave you two options: POWER or GLORY. (click to read further)

And I have told you an anecdote about leadership; and a follower. (click to read further)

But what gives you the satisfying feeling?
It’s the ROLE.

It is about role playing. This game is about role playing. Real life is about role playing.
But what is playing? (click to read further)

Because there’re so many ROLES that can be played; we ROLL.
By rolling around we can permit other people to experience the role, and at the same time allowing us to try some other roles. And the idea sharing blooms.

To the PReM party president candidates, may all be winners!
To everybody, please be a good role player.
Please play some good roles.
Let's play.

You don't need one, you need to be one.

Roll over over rule,

Minister of Education and Information

PReM Party President

Dean of eRepublic Art and Technology,
eUniversity of Malaya [eUM]

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