[eUK Now] My vision for the best the UK can be - Interview with Talon Karrde

Day 1,778, 13:15 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Sigfred Zachariasen

The 5th is getting closer, and that means CP election time. Who will be the next CP of eUnited Kingdom? A qualified contender is Mr. Talon Karrde, who has taken time out of his busy schedule to answer a couple of questions.

First things first, who is Talon Karrde?
My name is Talon, and I've been playing for a long time now; over three years. For the first half of that I did almost nothing, sat and moaned at the government and tried to help my party. For the latter half I've participated in all manner of different things, including congress, about 13 terms as a minister in various positions, and even the president twice this year. I'm a long term member of The Unity Party, and the reason I still play after so long a time is the people I've met- I enjoy the banter, the camraderie, and everything that goes alongside that. I guess my main role is game for that time has been politics, though I do fight a lot and own a fair few companies too. I just try to play the game well!

What is your main motivation for running as CP?
There are lots of reasons I want to run, for example to help bring through the next generation of UK leaders, like my vCP candidate Ergo Deus, to help being a little more unity to the UK, and mostly I guess, because I think my ideas and policies for the UK are the best on offer. I've always prided myself on being a thinker, on tackling problems head on and making sure we strive to be the best we can be. My term will be all about that; my vision for the best the UK can be.

In your opinion what's the biggest opportunity for eUK in the next month?
I think we have a lot of opportunities in the next month- domestically to decrease the amount of infighting we're seeing at the moment, and to try and halt the slide of players leaving the game from our country. This sadly is a worldwide trend but we can and must do better to keep our players playing if we're to compete. Our biggest opportunity, though, is in our foreign relations. With the formation of CTRL we have the opportunity to make friends again with countries like Germany, Brazil and the USA, while also maintaining our friendship with key allies like Poland, Serbia, Hungary, Slovenia and Macedonia. There are plenty more of course, but with those friendships in place our freedom and security are assured.

What's your plan regarding retention?
The traditional CP plan for retention is basically to give the Ministry of Home Affairs a mandate and spam articles. I don't want to do that. If elected I would split this tradition into three areas; the Ministry of Health- tasked with helping our new players with mentoring, advice and investment, the ministry of justice; tasked with creating a totally optional but potentially fun court case system, and finally the ministry of public affairs to get all the info out there. We'll make sure our newer players know what they're doing and have the capacity to grow quickly, while also providing some fun for all players, all the while keeping everyone appraised of what's going on.

In your opinion what's the biggest threat for eUK in the next month?
I'd say it's complacency and apathy. For a long time now the UK has been in decline, a slow fade from grace that continues to this day. The biggest threat is in leaving the country without strong leadership after the month is over; divided, dispersed and degenerate. In the next month, we can, must and will reinvigorate the country, breathing in some much needed life. We must keep up our friendships, while reaching out to new friends. We must put an end to strife in the community and create new opportunities for unity and compromise. And we must make sure we are in safe and capable hands with our next generation of leaders.

Where do you see eUK in terms of future alliances?
I don't see us in one in the near future. I think our best course, and the one I'll pursue, charts a middle course; pro CTRL and both allied and committed to Poland, while also maintaining a strong relationship with Serbia and our other old allies. In terms of our security our relationship with Poland is paramount, but I suspect remaining allied to Serbia, Macedonia, Hungary and the like will be far more palatable to our citizens that the USA. I will make one thing clear though; our choice of alliances is not and never will be just down to the CP; congress can and must make the decision if an invitation is ever received. Likewise, congress must empower the CP to chart a particular course, and so if elected my first act will be to propose this to congress, debate the issue, and ask for their approval in the short to medium term.

If you win and when your term is over, what would you like to have accomplished?
When it's over I'd like to have a strong successor (Ergo Deus) in place to take over; to have strong

relations with the countries I've mentioned, and to have talented young players waiting in the wings for the next government. I'd like more unity in the UK, and to halt the slide in numbers we've been seeing.

Sounds good, any last comments?
Only to thank you for interviewing me, and do a quick plug for votes on the 5th - vote for me! But seriously, thanks for taking the time, it's always a pleasure 🙂

I want to thank Talon Karrde for taking the time to talk with me.

eUK Now is written by Sigfred Zachariasen. Please vote and subscribe for more. Please comment below or write me ingame.