[eUK Now] Dan Moir on TUP in eUK politics - Interview

Day 1,785, 01:22 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Sigfred Zachariasen

TUP is often criticized for being power-hungry and for wanting to rule eUK without intereference from other parties, I sat down with Mr. Dan Moir who will be running for The Unity Party PP.

TUP has been the largest party in eUK for quite a while now, in your opinion why is that?
Simply by being competent and reliable. It takes a lot of hard work to get to number one in the rankings but staying there is more about demonstrating to the voters that we are competent, reliable and are working in the best interests of eUK.

The Unity Party has delivered several CPs through time, and will most likely also deliver the next CP in mr. Talon Karrde without much contest from other parties - could you please comment on this development?
TUP has delivered many great CP's over time (and admittedly, a few awful ones). Talon is one of the best we've had and the fact that he is almost universally respected by both allies and enemy nations alike just goes to show what a nice guy he is. He's also intelligent and hard working and we're delighted that he is able to commit for another term.
Unfortunately the pool of candidates for CP has been dropping over time. As experienced players leave the game, we need newer players getting heavily involved in ministries and congress so that they can go on to lead us when they are ready. We've seen this happenning less and less over the years and I don't think it's a problem that is unique to eUK. This is partly the reason for Talon running almost unopposed but there is also the simple fact that people don't want to put a lot of effort into a campaign that they are destined to lose. People don't like fighting a losing battle.

The Unity Party has been under fire for being too dominant in eUK politics with several CPs, admins and so on - do you think the critic is fair?
No. Of course not. All it takes to become a well known figure in the UK is a bit of intelligence, activity and hard work. A new player could be in congress in their first week if they show activity and they could be running a party within a month or two. Ministry jobs are widely available to pretty much anyone who wants one. All you have to do is put some effort in. It's never been easier to progress in UK politics/government.

In your opinion, do you think that TUP is guilty in nepotism throughout the game?
Absolutely not. The pool of talent in UK is too small to even think about restricting opportunities on a party basis. We need the best people working for our country, irrespective of which party they are from.

You're running for PP ; Is the image of TUP something you want to work with and if yes, how?
Yes, I will be running for PP. I'm not too concerned with the image of TUP. I know the party very well and a great deal of the members. We have a record of good governance that stretches back years. There will always be people who don't like us as a party for whatever reason and they can just get on with their thing and I'll do mine. My primary aim will be to get more of our members active, involved in the party and taking the opportunities available to them, not worrying about what other parties are up to.
There will be increased activity all around but should I be elected, if we don't have more activity in the party by the end of the term, then it won't be due to lack of effort on my part.

What is your greatest wish for eUK?
Well if I'm only allowed one, I guess a babyboom of epic proportions. Then hopefully some of us older players can go into semi-retirement.

What is your opinion on the TUP dominance? Please comment below.

eUK Now is written by Sigfred Zachariasen.
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